Quincy Fox: Smiles

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Y/n's POV

I looked over at Quincy Fox and smiled. He was a new kid in the class at our department of the College (Disclaimer: I don't know how college works). I smile at him and wave a bit.

He smiles back. He was kind of cute, he had blondish brown hair and a super nice smile. I continued to copy down notes until the class had finished. I had the rest of the day off so I decided to head to the library.

I walked into the large, old building and walked over to one of the tables. I began researching a bunch of stuff about the Canon EOS 70D camera through my laptop and blushed when I looked to my right, seeing Quincy Fox enter the library.

I really wanted him to sit with me so just as he was about to put his bag down on an empty table and whisper-yelled "Quincy!" and he looked over. He chuckles and runs over. I say "Sit here," as he puts his bag down. I smile wide and say "What do you think of it here so far?"

He says "Well, it's... only cool because of this girl I saw today, she was SUPER pretty. Apparently, she wanted me to sit with her in the library and now here I am." I giggle and smile at him. He gets up and says "I need to find a book, so I'll be back?" He says, more like a question. I nodded my head with a large smile on my face as he jogged into one of the isles.

I sat there blushing as I wrote out some facts. After maybe 3 minutes Quincy came back with 2 books in his arms. "Hey," I say as he sits down.

"So... Is there a way I can sign these out?" He asks. "If I need to... I mean," he states.

"Yeah, of course, there is," I say. I point over at the counter with Ms. Hanscom checking someone else's book out and quickly looks back at Quincy. "Over there," I say, staring at the smile spread across his face.

I smile when I hear him chuckle a bit then hear him say, "Thanks," and look down at one of his books. I bite my lip and smile a bit, my crush overwhelming my senses.

I look around and see the library had begun to empty after around an hour of sitting there with Quincy. He was on his way back from putting away his couple of books and holding two new ones in their place.

I looked at him, blushing hard. "You've been super blushy and smiley all day, Y/n. Why is that?" he asks. My face heated up and I attempted to convince him I hadn't even noticed the heat rising to my s/c cheeks.

"I um... I didn't even notice," I giggled, closing my book on the table.

"You hadn't?" He gave me a look as if he was already seeing through me. "Hm, then maybe I just think you are because I've been staring at you so much," he flips the page in his book and I bit my lip again.
"Staring at me?" I thought. I looked at my phone and see the little light in the top right corner blinking. I pick it up, confusion taking over my flustered ordeal. 2 messages from my roommate, Katie.

One read "When are you coming back to the dorm?" from two hours ago and another one from only ten minutes ago that said "okay, well I'm going to McDonalds so if you want to tell me what adventure you're on I'll be at the South End Mickey D's, weirdo," with a laughing emoticon.

I looked at Quincy, I said, "I gotta go meet my friend at..." I looked back at the message and said "Olive Garden?" It seemed I had asked it more than stated it.

He chuckles then says "I hear Olive Garden has some PRETTY great chicken nuggets, they have some pretty sick pokemon toys right now too."

I laughed and said "See ya," before running out.

I walked into McDonald's to see Katie sitting there with a McDouble and sat in front of her. "I spoke to Quincy Fox," was the first thing I said.

"Wait, really?" she asks. I nod my head quickly. She squeals and asks, "What did he say? Did he give you his number?!"

I shake my head sadly and say "No, he sat with me in the library for what I thought was an hour but I saw your message from TWO hours ago and realized he sat there WAY longer." She squeals again.

"Okay, tomorrow, you NEED to get his number off of him so you guys can go to the library again. Was it a date?"She asks.

I frown a bit and say "I fucking wish," before she sighs in a sad manner, the same way I had seconds prior.

The next day I walked into the class and saw Quincy sitting in his seat, writing on his binder in a sharpie marker. I ran over and sat next to him before asking "Whatcha doin'?"

He jumps in shock then chuckles. "I'm... I'm not sure what I'm doing," he says, causing me to giggle. He continues to write on it when I finally take in what he was writing. Song lyrics.

"You say I make you shyI don't know why,every time we kiss,it gets better every time," it says. I bite my lip gently then ask him what it's for.

He shrugs and says "Not sure yet, I was listening to this song all last night. Are you hoping it's about you?" He asks.

I wasn't sure what I was hoping but I went silent. He looks at me and wraps his arm around the back of my chair. He says "I had a lot of fun with you yesterday."

I blush and say "Me too, we didn't talk much but it was nice having someone like you there with me."

He moves a bit closer to me and his lips end up inches from my own where he whispers, "Smile."I blush again and smile. He presses his lips to my own, a smile on his own face as I kiss back. We pull away after a few seconds and I say "I think I like you, Quincy."

He smiles and says"I like you too, especially that beautiful smile," he says. I couldn't help but smile as I stared at him.

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