Finn Wolfhard: Lunar Vacation (Part 2)

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For @Shutuprichie_

Finn's POV

Y/n had come to ever performance we had done with Lunar Vacation since the first night. After every show, she's always done the same thing with me.

I walked off the stage and saw Y/n smiling at me. "Hey," I say as I walk over. She and I weren't technically dating, we were kind of just friends with benefits.

She says a simple, "Hello," and drapes her arms around my neck upon my shoulders. I lean down and kiss her. She kisses back and puts her hand under my shirt to rub my stomach a bit. I push her against the wall and start kissing her neck, my arms around her waist with my hands slightly under her shirt. "You're so fucking precious," I whisper. I was being a little lazy and sloppy with my kisses.

She tugs on my hair and asks "What's up? Tired from the performance?"

"Yeah, kind of. Can we head back to the hotel and do our after show shit there?" I ask. She nods her head saying it was alright to do that.

We walked out with Lunar Vacation and I held Y/n's hand. Obviously, I really wanted something with her but I didn't want to risk telling her that. If she declines then our after show games end.

We walk over to the hotel and laugh as I bring her to in knowing we're going straight to my room. I climb into the elevator and press her against the wall. Grace pushes the button and groans saying "Dude, you're bothering me, stop fuck- ARE YOU UNZIPPING HER COAT?!"

I had her zipper at the bottom of her coat and pulled it apart. "Maybe," I say.

She straps her arms around my neck as we reach our floor. I kiss her forehead and we walk out of the elevator.

I push her towards my room and unlock it. I close the door behind us and press her to the wall next to it. I kiss up her neck at a vicious pace. I suck on all the skin I can access before tossing her coat to the floor. She pushes my coat onto the floor as well and I remove my shoes. She kicks her shoes to the side and walks over to my bed.

She faces me and I push her onto it. Her back hits the mattress and I smile down at her. I climb onto her and lean down, kissing her neck deeply. She whines and whispers "Finn?" but I just continue.

"You're so freaking cute," I say. She giggles and sits up.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks. I look up at her and nod my head.

"What are we?" I swallowed and thought about it. We're not sex buddies, we haven't had sex. We're not a couple, we haven't confirmed. I looked up at her and said the number one thing I regretted.

"A good time," She looks at me, anger washing over her face.

"A good time?" she asks, her face going red.

"I don't know, Y/n, listen-" she cuts me off.

"YOU LISTEN! I have actually grown feelings for you and now I know how you fucking feel." I saw the tears well up in her eyes.

"I DO want to be with you, I just don't want your friends mad at me. We won't see each other much anyway, it's not my fault that I don't want people hating me." She scoffs.

"NOBODY hates you. You're famous, Finn. You can get any girl you want but I just feel as if I'm being used by you ALL the time, I want to be something with you but... I would never make you do something like that," she says, staring at her lap as she sits on her legs.

I get on my knees so I'm higher up than her on the bed. I cup her chin with both hands. "I do want something bigger between you and I, but do you really want something with me?" I ask.

She nods her head and says "I think I do, can we please try something?" I sigh and look around for a minute.

"Yeah, yeah we can." She nods her head. I lean down and kiss her lips gently. She kisses back with a big closed-mouthed smile on her face.

I lay her gently on her back and lay down beside her. "You're alright, alright?" I ask. She nods her head and holds my hand.

I move us up the bed and she lays her head on a pillow. I lay my head on the pillow next to her. I turn the lamp off to the right of me and strap my arms around her waist.

"Are you sure we can?" I hear her ask in the darkness of our room. I nod my head though she can't see me.

"Yes," I say. She wraps her arms around my waist which causes me to wrap my own around her neck and shoulders.

"I love you," she whispers. I kiss her temple and repeat those words towards her this time.

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