Finn Wolfhard: Joint

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Finn is the "bad boy" in this JSYK. The kind of kid that drinks and does drugs. JUST FOR THIS! HE IS A GOOD PERSON! I SWEAR!

Y/n's POV

I took a sharp turn down a sketchy street and tripped over a stone causing me to stumble. I had been running to school since I was almost late and ran really quickly ran into a boy wearing an army green jacket and fell back. I heard an "Oh shit."

I grabbed the hand held out to me to come face to face with the popular boy in our school. Finn Wolfhard. He is only popular because he is an actor, musician, director whatever the hell else he is. He was a HUGE flirt. I blushed and bit my lip knowing how much of a flirt he was. He smirks and I looked up at his face to see his navy blue beanie placed on his head with his headphones over it.

He leans against the wall and asks "Are you okay beautiful?"

I sighed and said, "I guess..."

He smirks even more and grabs my hand and his white shirt beneath his army green jacket twisted a bit. He says "Come with me." and begins walking away.

I looked at his back and his white backpack bounced on his back, his black skinny jeans hugging his body and I rolled my eyes and followed him down the sketchy street and asked "Are we going to school?" which his response was to laugh and call me to hurry up which caused me to run to him my flower print backpack bouncing on my back, my pants hugging my legs, my plain f/c t-shirt with my timberlands and black coat.

I caught up to him and he wrapped his arm over my shoulders and we walked towards school as he held his grip on me tightly. After a few minutes, I saw the school in the line of sight and smiled until he darted me down an alleyway and I saw his friends. Jack, Ayla and Malcolm.

I swallowed hard and went to turn back but Finn grabbed me and asked: "Where ya' goin'?"

I looked at him and swallowed hard once again and said: "They're smoking!"

He chuckles and says "Only Malcolm. It's quite normal. Ayla is just drinking a beer. Jack isn't doing anything." He took his bag off his shoulder and threw it to the ground next to the girl and grabbed my arms and pulled me close to him and said "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. And it isn't weed, just a cigarette. Okay?" He pushes my hair back and tilts his head.

I swallowed hard then said "Fine..." and he wrapped his arms around my waist screaming "YES!" as he ran back to his friend and fell to his knees going into his bag. He threw a pack of licorice at Jack and grabbed my hand pulling me down.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and looked at me then said "See? Only cigarettes, no weed." shaking the pack in the air.

I nodded my head slowly while I looked at the end of the alleyway and he sits against the wall and moves closer to me. He puts the cigarette between his lips and looks at me saying "If you're gonna be here just do... One puff?"

I scoffed and smiled and said, "I've never even considered smoking Finn!"

He lights the cancer stick between his lips as he leans closer to me and tosses his lighter to Ayla. He takes the cigarette from his lips then he blows the smoke in front of me and whispers "Come on... Have you never like... Used one a' those Popeye candy sticks? Been like" he pulls the cigarette to his lips, sucks it in and blows it out saying "Look mommy! I'm like you!" then takes in the tar, only to do it again.

I sighed and said "Of course I did... I just never wanted to ACTUALLY do it."

He nods then says "I respect that, BUT, take a small one?"

I groan and say "Not a chance Wolfhard."

He scoffs as he places the cigarette between his lips again and I hear a yelling noise of the words "GUESS WHO HAS K! F! C!!!" causing me to look over just to see Josh.

Josh throws down three huge bags and says "THREE MIX BUCKET FEASTS! WOOO!" as he sits next to Malcolm grabbing a cigarette for himself.

Finn turns to me and says "You can share with me weirdo." as he drags a bag to him opening it so he can place the open bag on the ground so we can reach in and grab whatever we want.

After an hour Finn took out another cancer stick and lit it and I grabbed it and pressed it against the ground and said: "Eat a fucking licorice stick, Finn!"

He jumped and then smirked and said "Can I eat something else?" as he placed his hand on my thigh. He moved it up against my leg, gripped my hip which was causing me to get up, grab my bag and walk away.

I turned the corner with tears in my eyes and heard "Y/N WAIT!"

I kept walking as a tear fell down my cheek and Finn ended up in front of me. I pushed him and yelled, "WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM?!"

He grabbed my arms and said "I'm sorry..." as he pulled me towards him.

I cried and I said "Do you think I'm some... STUPID SLUT?! LIKE EVERYONE ELSE AT OUR FUCKING SCHOOL?!"

He teared up and I scoffed. I pushed him away causing him to let a tear fall as he yelled "Nobody loves me Y/n... I don't know how to get someone to love me! My parents don't even love me... I don't know how to respect someone Y/n! Jesus... Just... Cut me some slack, or come back take one puff and then you can leave."

I sighed feeling really bad and nodded my head slowly as he wiped his tears and took my hand to walk me back to the alleyway. Before he brought me back, he turns to me and asks "Is this okay?" squeezing my hand. I bit my lip as I nodded my head "yes".

He pulled me into the alleyway and sat me away from the group and ran over to get his backpack and ran back over to sit next to me. He took out his pack of cigarettes and lit it and placed it between his lips and took a puff.

He looked at me, leaned closer as he laid his head on my shoulder and said "your turn" and held the little white and yellow stick up to my lips and I sighed and said, "I don't know how."

He chuckles and says "put it in your mouth and suck it in then take it out of your mouth and blow the smoke out."

I sighed and he put it between my lips and nodded at me to suck it in. I did as told and immediately started coughing. He chuckled, pulled it from my lips, then tapped the end of it and put it at his own lips, inhaling it saying "I know your lungs were to clean for this. You could never survive like this."

I felt challenged and I don't know why. I grabbed the cigarette from his hand, placed it between my own lips. He smiled wide and I watched his white shirt turn as he watched me and I inhaled it this time not coughing and I scoffed. I looked over at him after scoffing to see he had lit a new one and was smoking it. He says "You can have that one."

I blushed and he leaned his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him and he held my hand. I took it in again and blew it in his face and he laughed and said: "Nice, I deserve that."

I giggled and said "I know you do." as I laid my head on top of his head. This was not the last time I came back to this alleyway. I failed grade 11.

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