Chapter 4 - No Promises

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(A/N: That's Reyna Marie's best friend Miyah aka me)

Before I could even stop myself, I swing on Michelle, aiming for her face. When my fist connects with her face she screams. I only started hitting her because I'm tired of people thinking I'm a weak person simply because I'm an orphan. Like no, I will still beat somebody ass if they mess with me.

I didn't mean for this happen, seeing as I don't know her, but I've dealt with her type before. The cute, popular, yet dumb as fuck girls who think they're the queen of everything and pick on people who don't have the same social status as them. And I got tired of it happening to me so I just fought back. Next thing I know there are people trying to pull me away from Michelle. Miyah, my best friend, Michael, Corinthian, teachers, principals. Damn near the whole school because they knew that if I didn't stop, I was going to hurt Michelle. When I finally stopped hitting her and took a good long look at her, she was messsed up. Missing teeth. Bald spots. Bloody nose. Black eye. The whole trifecta. I knew I was in serious trouble for this, but I didn't care. The child got what she deserved. I mean I had caught her bullying other kids, and I hadn't done anything about it. But today that changed and that should teach her a thing or two about her mouth because the things she be saying to kids be so hurtful that she actually made a kid commit suicide simply because of the nickname she had given him. And that's not right. Now she should know when to speak and when to shut the fuck up.

5 minutes later in the principal's office, the principal, Mrs. Wilder was trying to get a hold of the orphanage owner. But she couldn't reach her. Then she stared at me and Michelle for like 2 long minutes before asking, "What happened?" and I told her the whole story. From yesterday, to today. I even told her about the kid who committed suicide because of her. The principal was at a loss for words when I was finished. Then she said, "Michelle you are expelled from this school. Reyna you have a weak of suspension." then I gave her Shawn's number, and she called him. He instantly picked up and when he did, I could've sworn that the principal started flirting with him over the phone. After the conversation, she said, "He's on his way. You can go back to class." 30 minutes later I was walking out that school building with Shawn with gaping girls and jealous boys staring at me.

Since I didn't want to go home, Shawn decided to take me to his house to watch movies and eat snacks. Before he started the movie, I voiced the question I've been wanting to ask for 1 day now, "Why are you spending so much time with me, if you're famous?" he looked at me. For a long time and then he came and sat next to me. "Simply because you are a part of my family now and nothing will stop me from helping you or being by your side." I smile. Then he starts the movie. We decided to watch "The Hate U Give" by the end of the movie, me and Shawn were in tears. I think Shawn was worse than me. As soon as I brung up the movie, he started crying. And I was just standing there like if this big ass baby don't shut the fuck up. After he stopped crying, he made some food. Which was spaghetti and meatballs. His food was so good. And for dessert, we had brownies and ice cream. Which was way better than dinner. By the time I got ready for bed, seeing as the orphanage owner practically let me move in with Shawn, I was full and tired. I texted Miyah to see what had happened at school.

Me: hey what happened after I left?

Miyah: girl nun much. We just had to clean up Michelle's blood, but other than that nun happened at school.

Me: oh wow

Miyah: yeah. Are you with Shawn?

Me: Yeah. I practically moved in with him so now we have more space for whenever you come over

Miyah: yassssssss girl. More stuff to mess up

Me: don't get me sent back to the orphanage child

Miyah: No promises

I laugh at her text messages and find myself watching Tangled before I pass out.

When I wake up the next morning, I was about to get ready for school when I realized I have a week off seeing as I'm suspended. I go to the kitchen and see Shawn making breakfast. He didn't see me coming up behind him. So I snuck up behind him and screamed. He swung around with a spatula in hand, and almost back handed me with it. I got scared a second myself but burst out laughing when I saw his expression. I was laughing so hard, I was crying, to the point I almost pissed on myself. "That's not funny Reyna Marie. You almost got smacked with this spatula." I can't even process his words. I'm hollering right now. I can't breathe at all. Then Shawn starts laughing and we collapsed on the floor hollering.

After breakfast, I sat in my new room, admiring it. I have never had a big room like this. Shawn told me that later today, we would go shopping so I could decorate my room. I didn't really want to do anything but I did want to get out for a while. I don't want to be cooped up in the house all day. Maybe he'll even let me get a dog. I think about all the possibilities of me living with Shawn as I drift off into a deep sleep with There's Nothing Holding Me Back playing on repeat in my ears.

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