Chapter 12 ~ The Reaction

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Reyna Marie POV

That's still crazy to even think about. Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is my dad. I've been living with my dad and I didn't even know it until now. That's still so crazy. I texted my friends in our group chat to tell them, but they beat me to the punch because when we got home they were in my room on my bed.

"Oh my gosh, Reyna, that's crazy!"
"So happy for you!"
Their comments just came rushing back at me all at once. "Calm down everyone. Yes he's my dad and I didn't know. And it's crazy to believe this but trust me, it's so true. Now we need to have a celebration for this. Lets have ourselves a fiesta!!!!

Shawn's POV

Reyna Marie is my daughter. My daughter. She's my daughter. All of that is running through my head as I walk in the door of our house. When we walk in, Reyna Marie goes to her room, and I go to my room to tell Camila the news.

When I get to my room, Camila is there waiting for me to tell her the results. "Well," she said, "Tell me what the results are!" I looked at her and smiled. "The results are positive. She's my daughter!" Camila jumps up and hugs me. "Ahhhh that's so amazing Shawn!" At the same time she says that, I hear, "Lets have ourselves a fiesta!" man those kids are going to go wild. But I am too. With my daughter and her friends and hopefully my soon to be wife if I ever find the guts to propose to her.

The end. I hoped you guys liked this chapter. It was short but I thought it was pretty good. Honestly I just made this chapter because I didn't really have anything else to do and I haven't updated in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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