Chapter 2 - Boy Problems

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(A/N: That's Michael)

After Shawn got done singing, we left the park. For some reason he didn't want to go home and I didn't want to go home. I mean of course I didn't want to go home, I had just spent the last hour with my favorite celebrity. Why would I want to go home?

Me and Shawn got up off of our bench and left the park. He started humming while we were leaving and again I could tell what he was humming. It was a song from his Illuminate album called, "There's Nothing Holding Me Back" and again I found myself just listening to him. 2 minutes later we were at Starbucks. My favorite place. Shawn went to go order for us and I got a table.

As soon as I sat down I checked my phone and saw that I had messages from my boyfriend, Michael

Babe: text me back please

Babe: omg I miss you

Babe: what r you doing that's more important than responding to my text?!?!

That last text made me a little angry because he always assumes I'm doing something behind his back. Which ain't true. I mean I could assume the same for him but I trust him. I don't know why he doesn't trust me. So I responded back.

Me: Wym by that last text?

Babe: Well I just thought you were doing something that's not as important as me

Me: I am. I just met Shawn Mendes today after I tried to get his attention for 2 years and I'm having the best day ever.

Babe: why didn't you invite me? I could've came

Me: I didn't want you to come. Me and Shawn had a lot of things to talk about and I just needed some time alone from people.

Babe: how are you going to talk to a person you barely know, before you talk to me? That's makes no sense

Me: Because he understands how I feel. Before we started dating, I was a target for bullying. Shawn was a target for bullying when he first started his career. I like to sing (even though I sound horrible), and he loves to sing. He's funny, I'm funny. So don't try and say we don't know each other because we know plenty about each other seeing as I spilled my heart out to him when I texted him the past 2 years. But it's cool. I think it's time for us to break up Michael

Not even 2 seconds passed and he texted back.

Michael: Why? So you can cheat on me again? So you can find someone else?

Me: no simply because you the most with the least and I don't want to live my life with a boyfriend who doesn't care about me and only cares about the passing girls. You get so jealous when I talk to other boys, but I never get jealous when I catch you staring at other girls. So good bye Michael

And with that, I blocked his number and just starting sobbing. Quiet sobs. But definitely sobbing. Shawn came over sat our food and drinks down, and just hugged me. No questions asked. Just a hug to remind me that everything is going to be okay. When he pulled away, he voiced the question I didn't want him to ask, "Do you want to talk about it?" I stared up at him and just shook my head. Then I grabbed my drink which was a vanilla latte and grabbed my cookie and walked out. Shawn rushed to get up and catch up with me. I started walking home with him right behind me. By this time it was dark. And I had forgotten that Starbucks and the park were like an hour drive from my house and a 2 hour walk if you were crazy enough to walk.

When I got to my front porch, I opened my door to find my mom (person who runs the orphanage) standing in the kitchen making a cup of coffee. I turned around and said to Shawn, "You can go home now, if you want to." He just shook his head in response. "I don't want to go home to an empty house. I always forget that I'm not with my family seeing as I'm pushing 30. But I always feel like I have to be with my family to be able to sleep at night." Again, I found myself listening to every word. So when I finally got the courage to say something, I said, "You can stay here for as long as you like. I have my room because there aren't many kids here and there are 2 beds in there so you can sleep on the second bed. I'm sure my "mom" won't mind." Shawn nodded and with that, he went upstairs.

After Shawn went upstairs, I went to go shower and got ready for bed. I thought about Michael and how I just broke his heart. I forgot that I had another phone with his number in it and I was not surprised when it starting dinging uncontrollably and his name flashed on my screen as he tried to call me. I didn't answer anything because I knew he was going to pester me with more lies and that'll just make me even madder. So I did the smart thing, I ignored him. When I get out the shower, I go to my room to see Shawn passed out.

Not tired, I text my best friend, Corinthian, telling him about my break up today. Everybody knows that before me and Corinthian were best friends, I had a major crush on him except no one knew and that crush never left seeing as he treats me way better that what Michael did.

Me: best friend I broke up with Michael 😭😭

Bestie: Awww sorry to hear that. Are you home yet? Want me to come visit?

Me: Yeah. Come as quick as you can

And with that I layed down on my bed waiting for Corinthian to show up.

5 minutes later Corinthian was at the door. I opened the door for him and he gave me a bone crushing hug. I took him upstairs to my room so we could talk. I was first going to tell him that Shawn Mendes came to see me today and that we spent the day together. But I couldn't do that because as soon as Shawn Mendes turned over in his sleep, Corinthian screamed. Like he sounded like one of those fangirls at one of his concerts. And he screamed loud. So loud that Shawn literally jumped out of bed. When he realized it was just me and my best friend, he asked, "Are you a part of the Mendes Army too?" Corinthian shook his eagerly and gave him a hug. He hugged Shawn so tight that it looked tighter than his underwear that were visible through his slightly drooping pants. I smiled at the sight. Finally when they pulled apart, I saw that both Shawn and Corinthian were smiling. Corinthian looked like he had just been touched by God. "It's so good to meet fans like you guys. Always eager and enthusiastic about everything."

But I was tired and wanted to talk to my best friend and as soon as we sat down on the bed, I poured out everything. I had forgot that Shawn was still listening because when we turned around he was looking at us drinking up every word. I told him about Shawn meeting up with me, all the way up until the Starbucks incident. After I was done talking, Corinthian comforted me and we layed down on the bed and passed out. I heard Shawn singing Mercy quietly.

You've got a hold of me
Don't even know your power
I stand 100 feet
But I fall when I'm around you

Show me an open door
And you go and slam it on me
I can't take anymore
I'm saying baby

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart

Would you please have mercy,
Mercy on my heart

I'd drive through the night
Just to be near you baby
Heart open, testify
Tell me that I'm not crazy

I'm not asking for a lot
Just that you're honest with me
My pride is all I got
I'm saying baby

Please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart

Would you please have mercy on me
I'm a puppet on your strings
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free

Would you please have mercy
Mercy on my heart

Consuming all the air inside my lungs
Ripping all the skin from off my bones
I'm prepared to sacrifice my life
I would gladly do it twice

Oh, please have mercy on me
Take it easy on my heart
Even though you don't mean to hurt me
You keep tearing me apart

Would you please have mercy on me
I'm a puppet on your strings
And even though you got good intentions
I need you to set me free

I'm begging you for mercy
Mercy (on my heart)
I'm begging you, begging you please baby

I'm begging you for mercy
Mercy (on my heart)
Oh I'm begging you, I'm begging you

And before I knew it, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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