Chapter 6 - The "Accident"

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Since I'm back at school, things haven't changed. The only good thing about school now is that we don't have Monster Michelle picking on people. My classes are still the same. Me and Corinthian are still together. Michael and I are still the best of friends. And Miyah, that child is always in some drama with a boy. But that doesn't matter. Still my sister.

Today at school, I didn't do anything. We did some graphing in math, reading in english, experiments in science, running in gym, writing in history, and coding in technology. Like I said nothing interesting happened. That is until I got home from school.

When I got home from school, I saw Shawn talking to Camila. But they seemed way to friendly for my liking. They were holding hands and laughing. Every once in a while, Shawn would put his hands on her waist. I just sat there and watched this go on. Then they kissed. Right in front of my face. The Canadian bacon Shawn Mendes was kissing Camila Cabello, the latina sass! I was so surprised that my jaw dropped. I even whipped out my phone and snapped a picture. And they were still kissing! When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless. I still stood there, transfixed at what I just witnessed. They were still staring at each other. Then that's when I bust into the room and said, "I JUST SAW THAT WHOLE THING! I CANT BELIEVE IT! SHAWN MENDES JUST KISSED CAMILA CABELLO! MY LIFE IS NOW COMPLETE! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR SO LONG! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" Camila and Shawn started chuckling. Camila then started laughing so hard that she started crying. "So you're the girl Shawn keeps talking about. He speaks higly of you. He keeps talking about wanting to-" her ranting was cut short when Shawn elbowed her. She sent him a glare. I didn't really care about what she just said because the great Camila Cabello is in my new house and I haven't introduced myself. "Oh my God! How can I be standing in front of Camila Cabello and not introduce myself? I'm Reyna Marie." Camila smiles. "And of course you know me as the great Camila Cabello." she gets up and hugs me.

I'm so flustered that I didn't hear her say, "We should go shopping!" Shawn's eyes lit up and they got dressed. I just changed out of my school clothes. When we made it to Yorkville Village I immediately started eye shopping while Camila and Shawn grabbed a cart. We then passed a store with all Shawn's mercy and CD albums in there. Like every album he's released. Even the live albums. I dodged in there and bought out every piece of Shawn's merch and CD albums. When I put it up on the counter to be paid for the clerk was surprised to see Shawn Mendes walk up behind me and pay for everything. After we paid, I got some new shoes and earrings and a new phone. I even got some of Shawn's new fragrance. My day was going so great. Shawn and Camila got a few new things. But they didn't really want anything. They said this was for me. So I continued to shop. After we went shopping at the mall, we went to ride some electric scooters. They were a little difficult to handle and the owner said that there may be some mechanical difficulties with it. And sure enough, after 30 minutes of riding, my scooter went dead. Camila's did too. But Shawn had it worse. His was still running but when he tried to stop, he flew off and landed directly on his face. He had a few cuts and bruises but he had a bloody nose.

((imagine Shawn looking the way he does now with the curls))

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((imagine Shawn looking the way he does now with the curls))

He looked terrible but it didn't compare to my expression when I crumbled. I was so sad because such a terrible thing happened to such a good person. So we took Shawn to the hospital. When the doctors came back they came back with some good news. "Mr. Mendes here is lucky. Nothing is broken or damaged and he can go home today. Just remember to apply that cream we gave you." We all nodded thankful for the news and left within the hour.

2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks since the scooter accident and Shawn is looking better. He's applying his cream and his cuts and scars are disappearing.

((in case you haven't looked at the picture at the top))

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((in case you haven't looked at the picture at the top))

I'm so glad he's okay. He's doing much better. He said his face starts to hurt whenever he stresses out but overall he's fine. We didn't get to see Camila after that day because she had to go on tour but promised to be back before Shawn's tour. Also he's letting me go on the tour with them. Eek!

Anyway, whenever Shawn goes out in public, people mainly his fans crowd him. I mean he doesn't mind but it sorta kinda annoys me because he can barely breathe when around them. And when they're near him, they ask about his cuts and scars. And he would simply reply with, "I just fell." then they would ask about me and he'd say, "This is Reyna Marie. She's my foster daughter." now that always makes me smile because now I'm a part of his family. I just hope I don't fuck nothing up with him and he'll adopt me. I'm sure of it. I love Shawn even though I've known him for like 2 weeks. I absolutely adore him. I mean he's so nice to me. And he actually cares about me. And that's all that matters.

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