Chapter 11 ~ He's the father...he's not the father

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Shawn's POV

Today was the day. The day I'm going to see if Reyna Marie is the daughter I lost 14 years ago. If she is, then I'll be the happiest man on Earth. If not, I'm still going to adopt her. I mean we've been through so much together in the last few months, and those last few months have been the best of my life. So of course I want to adopt her. She's a part of my life and family now. And she deserves better.

I fully wake myself up by slapping myself in the face a few times. Then, remembering what day it is, I roll myself out of bed and make breakfast before waking Reyna Marie up. There's a catch to this day today. You see, Reyna Marie doesn't exactly know what we're doing today. She just thinks we're going out today. She doesn't know that we're going to get a DNA test done today. And I wanted to keep it secret because I know that she secretly thinks that I'm her father that she never met. I can tell.

All of this is running through my head while I make pancake batter. Camila knows that I'm doing this too. I talk about this to her all the time when Reyna Marie is at school. And then I talk to Reyna Marie about proposing to Camila one day.

After I make the pancake batter, I go to wake up Reyna Marie. She wakes up looking confused seeing as its only 7 in the morning and she usually sleeps until 12 in the afternoon depending on how bad of a day she had the day before. Anyway, I wake her up and say, "Get up." she looks at me and then her clock. And she does this for about 5 minutes. "You want me to get up at 7:05 in the morning? You do realize that the mall doesn't open until 10 right," she say in an obvious tone. "I know," I said. "But I want to get there early before it gets to crowded." Reyna still looks at me with that I know you're up to something face. But she eventually gives in. "Alright," she sighed. "Just let me shower and eat first."

It took her about an hour and a half for her shower. And I knew this was going to happen. She does this all the time. She takes the longest showers. At 8:25 she walked downstairs in some jeans and one of my shirts. She put her hair in a ponytail. By all means, she had went for a 'simple' look. She sat down at the table, obviously still tired, and almost fell asleep in her pancakes and syrup. "Come on Reyna. Eat breakfast so we can leave and get our day started." She groans apparently not wanting to leave, seeing as she didn't get a lot of sleep. I can't blame her. I was all night doing the same thing she was doing. Talking to my spouse. Yes, both of us were up talking to Camila until 5 in the morning. Eventually, Reyna Marie starts to eating and 10 minutes later, we were in the car going to the doctor.

30 minutes later, we arrived at the hospital. Reyna Marie looked at me like I was dumb. "I know I'm still tired or what not, but I'm pretty sure this isn't the mall Shawn." I smiled at her. "I know Reyna Marie. Before we go to the mall, we're stopping here to get a DNA test done to see if you're my daughter." Reyna Marie smiled the biggest smile ever. "Really," she said. "Pinch me if I'm dreaming. Wait am I dreaming?" I smile again. "No you're not dreaming, but we're going to miss out appointment if we don't get out the car soon." Reyna suddenly rememebers and quickly opens her door. "Right let's go!" And with that, she took off running towards the hospital. I literally had to sprint my fastest to keep up with her. We both walked in, breathing heavy and sweating. The receptionist looks at funny. "Mendes." is all I say before she leads me to room 105. In our room the doctor is already waiting for us. I can tell she's a fan because she starts smiling at me. Also she's wearing my merchandise. She hugs me and I hug her back. We take a few pictures, and talk. Then she remembers what she's supposed to be doing. "So you're here for a DNA test, yes?" Both, Reyna Marie and I nod. "Okay. So all that's going to be done is that you're both are going to get swabbed in the mouth with a cotton swab. Then, we're going to take some samples of your blood and then do all the rest of the work in a separate room. Is that okay?" Again, Reyna Marie and I nod. "Okay. Lets get started."

The swabbing and getting our blood drawn took at least 15 minutes. After the doctor left, Reyna Marie spoke. "Shawn why are you doing this?" I think for a moment before speaking. "Well, our stories are the same. We have a lot in common. You have a resemblance to me. You even felt like you needed to open up to me. You're a part of my family now. And even if our results come back negative, I'm still going to adopt you because you're a part of my world. An irreplaceable part. Just like my fans, family, and Camila." Reyna Marie smiles and gets up and hugs me. She muffles into my chest, "Thank you Shawn. For everything. Your music, your love towards everyone. Literally everything. I love you so much." I smile at her for like the 100th time. "I love you too."

About 30 minutes later, the results came back. Reyna grabbed my hand so tight, I thought she would cut off the blood circulation flowing through my hand. "Okay here are your results and Shawn Mendes and Reyna Marie Mendes...." cue more hand squeezing from Reyna Marie and I. "The results came back positive. You are the father of Reyna Marie Mendes. Congratulations you guys." Reyna Marie and I were both crying. Reyna Marie took a picture and captioned it, "Reunited with my father 😊🙌"

I'm so happy I got my daughter back. I've missed her so much. I'm glad she's in my life now. I missed 14 years of her life and I'm going to let that happen again.

So, Shawn was is the father, yay! Good for them. This was probably the hardest chapter for me to write simply because I don't about any of this. But I got through it and I have to say, this is a pretty good chapter. It's not a long chapter, but it's pretty good. 

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