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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock . I didn't want to go to school because I get bullied to my ex best friend. What do you know how cool is that. When I was still friends with her we played pranks on our teachers in middle school and always be with each other when we needed help or just wanted to have fun. Then one day she started to call me names and physically hurt me. I asked what was wrong with her but she never said a word.

When I was done getting ready, I got in my car and drove off to school. When I got there I heard my ex best friend say to me " Hey bitch what you up to " I tried to get away but every time try, people push me to make me stay were i'm at. My bully punched me so many times that blood started to cover my face. I went back to the car to take off the blood. I forgot to tell you something I don't talk that much. I missed fith period so it was lunch time. When I got to the lunch room my friends were waving there hands to show me what table were in.  Once I got my food I went to the table and started talking. We were talking about if we were ever going to get boyfriends or not. I obviously won't because I'm a nerd. I dress like one, I sound like one, people say at my school they don't hang out with nerds like me. At home I'm the opposit I wear a hoodie and leggings,put on a messy bun and do makeup the right way

When it was time to go home we all disided we'd go into separate cars. Wile I was walking to the car I had memories that I didn't have in my life. It looked like from when kingdoms were made. I disided to ignore it and drive home. When I got home it didn't stop. My head started to hurt,I got a lot dizzy, I started to feel weak. When I got to my bed I past out.

What do you think will happen next?🤔

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