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When I woke up.. I was in a field of flowers? I got A LOT confused. " Were am I? " I thought that I was in the country side of who knows what. I disided to walk and try to find any cars passing by.

Wile I was walking, I saw a couple walking by so I ran to them. " Hey I have a question". "Yes?" The women looked like I was lost for some reason. "What year is it?" , "Honey you don't what the year is?" "No? When I woke up I was in a field of flowers . When I got up I was looking for a car to take me back home." The people looked like I was some kind of idiot that didn't know anything. " umm what is a car exactly? " the man asked with his face looking worried. "Wait isn't the year 2024??" " no honey the year is 935" ( I just made that year up😁 ). "WHAT!!!" . After that, the stupidest person I am, I ran out of the of the village.

Wile I was running I found a kingdom so I ran to the huge gate. When I was walking two knights came in front of me saying "Holt who goes there". When I was about to say something they looked at my body!!( By the way you are wearing Adidas and your hair is in a ponytail and you have glasses ) "umm can you please look at my face not my body!! " I felt uncomfortable as hell them looking at my body. "Can I go now!!"  Wow that was the first time yelling at a stranger. haha high-five me😄. "y yes you may go"

As I walked in people were staring at me in horror saying " she's back she's back!!" "Run!!!" Then they all started screaming and running wile I just stood there...staying still..doing nothing. Some people started talking to Holy knights and begging for help. Almost all the holy knights in the kingdom were surrounding me. "Um may I ask what's going on?" " it's been a loooong time y


Sorry for taking so long on making this 😖😖😖
It's just that I had a lot of things to do (not school work just other stuff) anyway's see you in the next page by my peeps!!

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