the tazer DUN..DUN.....DUUUUUUUUUUN!!!

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(Yn) pov.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm so I new I had to wake up to get ready and go to the studio so, on my speakers in every room in the house I said " guys get the fuck up!!!!!!! We have to get ready!!!! If you don't get up, I'm bringing to tazer!!!!

Kings pov.
When I heard tazer I jolted up. I've been in a fight with it yesterday. I lost..


We were in the living room watching on the square thingy that's when I found it. The tazer...
I said I wanted to use the tazer and they thought it was useless so being the idiot I was I turned it on and it shocked me!!!! Can you believe it!! So I decided to fight it.. I used my bear to fight it with its strength. It turned it on and I saw my bear shaking. Then it fell to the ground. I got mad I thought I was the one to win the fight... But I was wrong. The next thing I knew I was on the ground.

And that was when I decided to not use it ever again
Untill today...

(YN) pov.
I went to get breakfast ready. And what I mean by that is to go but food.... I was REALLY BAD when it came to cooking or some shit that involves making food like baking too!....Let's just say I almost burnt the house down okay?

After I got home from getting food. I didn't see ANYONE down here yet!!!! Can you believe that!!!!..... Well, except king he's looked really scared. I got my tazers. NOT ONE BUT TWO LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. thank you. I walked up stairs and since i didn't want to taze the girls because it was my fault for not waking them up since we sleep in the same room, I didn't taze them. And also I didn't have enough tazers. I also used the electric shock thingy I had so it wasn't looking good for the boys right now. I quietly walked in the room, laid the shocking thingy on Bons chest and Gowther's chest too, then I put the tazers on meliodas neck and escanors chest.

I thought it would be funny but chances are, I'm probably going to hell after something I thought was so funny but bad at the same time...



Hey guys wats up I'm going to be updating but I'm not going to publish them Untill I'm done with probably like 5 chapters
If you know what I'm saying

But anyways guys it's the end of the chapter so I'll see you I the next one. Bye!!!!!!!

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