loved one gone

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"Wait do I know you?" I asked he didn't say anything when he was about to alert them to fight me I said something that stoped him from making his men fight me" wait!! I'm from the future. And I'll prove that I'm from the future! " surprisingly there was internet and I had my iPhone and my contact's. " how do I know you? Well, you are a wanted criminal for killing every single person in five kingdoms. I know it's still you but I'm going to let that slide since meli-oh!! Can't tell you yet till you meet him since you are from "the future" and you don't have any coins I'll give you anything you need. " So you took almost EVERYTHING you needed you got a horse, food, and armour. Well that was some of the things I said.

you didn't know where to go So you just went where your mind wanted to go.

It's been 2 hours since you left the kingdom and it was getting dark so you were getting scared so you went to sleep so you can forget about the dark and the noises. But someone was watching you.

When you woke up you were in a bed with a rag on your head. "Oh your awake dear. Are you okay?" I was so confused wasn't I just on my horse last night? " umm where am I? Wasn't I on my horse last night? "." Oh! Your horse was running really fast in the village like you needed help and you did." I looked at her confusingly. "half of your armour was gone and your stomach was filled with a little blood coming out. So I took you in." I looked at my stomach and it was covered with a bandage. "Well last night I went to sleep on my horse?" "you can tell me everything and I can ask questions okay?" She really sounded like she really wanted to know how I ended up bloody. She already had soup ready for me to eat. "So I remember going into my car and-"" wait what's a car?" " you can go to places without walking. I'm from the future. So when I was walking to my car I started to get memories that I didn't even have it kept going on until I went to my house I felt dizzy and that I was going to fall.When I landed on my bed I past out and I woke up in a field of flowers. " the lady looked sooo interested in what I was talking about. "Oh no wonder I found these whatever they are. What are they exactly?" Oh! The box has my contact's so if I don't have my glasses on( points at glasses) I can put these In my eyes. And that is my iPhone. if you don't know what a word is or a language you can search it up or learn it." " oh! Can I see!!! " she got SUPER EXCITED to see what you can do with the I put on a song on YouTube

After we listened to that song she was crying"are you okay we don't have to listen to the song again if thats what you wa- "no no no it not that it's just that it's so wonderful" "can we finish what we were talking about tomorrow please? Since we've been talking about this for an hour." "Yes. May I listen to the song again?" "Yeah sure".3 mins later." hey. Umm can I call you mom?" After that .She cried again" it's okay if you don't know any me to" " no I'm just glad that I can be a mom. By the way how old are you?this is just so that I can remember your birthday. "Oh. I'm 15 I'm going to be sixteen on October 31's (btw it's August 5)" . Oh I'll wright that down. " when my mom was going to wright that down I went to take a shower. She heard me taking a shower so she put new clothes on my bed.

She Forgot Everything And Everyone(The Seven Deadly Sins Anime)Where stories live. Discover now