I know them?

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" Wow!! I would like to see what the future looks like. " "no you don't!!! If you were in my body you'd want to die!!" " why's that? I'm sure that the future sounds fun and cool!😁" while we were talking were heard the door open "Oh that must be meliodas and the others" she started walking to the door when I stoped her " Wait can you stay with me. I don't want to be alone. please. " " okay. If that's what you want I'll stay with a new friend" when she said that she smiled witch made me happy after what happened to mom " you know you are the nicest friend I ever had. " " well I'm sure In the future you had a group of friends. Right? " when she said that my smile turned in to an emotionless face. "No I didn't. Everybody in the school bullied me even my best friend. Well ex best friend. We should stop talking about this because then it's going to get boring." I made an annoyed face while talking about it. "Y\N!!!!!!!!!!!" a little kid with blond hair hugged me then he just groped me in the butt!!! "Hey!! You can't do that your just a little kid blondee!! Aren't you like 7 or 8!! Can somewhat his mom please!!" After I said that his face changed into a sad face. " you don't remember us? " when I looked at all of them they all had sad faces on them. Then a girl with brown pigtails hugged me while crying. " you have to remember us y

!! We've been waiting for 2,000 years for you to come back!!" "wait.are you sure I know you guys because I live in the future. The year is supposed to be 2024. " then a guy with pink hair looked surprised and said "we had to save you so you wouldn't die, so merlin (she waved her hands to you) put a spell so you would be in the future safe and sound. I didn't think the year would be 2024? that's along way from now" I got so mad I was boiling because I wasn't safe I was getting bullied by the whole school even the teachers were bullying me" YOU THINK I WAS SAFE MY WHOLE LIFE. I GOT BRUISED EVERY DAY IN SCHOOL BECAUSE PEOPLE BULLIED ME EVEN THE TEACHERS. THEY KEPT PUNCHING ME, KICKING ME, THEY EVEN RAPED ME. YOU THINK THAT'S SAFE. YOU SHOULD'VE LET ME DIE HERE THEN STAY IN SCHOOL GETTING HARASSED AND BULLIED. " after I yelled I walked out of the room to the third floor were the storage room was and locked it so no one can come in. I walked in the balcony and say down on the ground. " the sun is setting. Ill get home to unpack my things in ten minutes " after some time i got up and went down stairs to go to my house. "Wait don't go yet!!" That little blond haired boy said running towards me " let me go! I need to unpack my stuff. " " we can come with you and help you . " " no I don't need help. now can you let me go-" "GUYS com on we are going to y

's house to help her unpack get ready!" Ughhh he's so annoying. Wait is he drinking wine!! "Hey!! your not old enough to drink your only 7 years old!!!" " Yes I am. And no I'm not seven I'm three thousand years old" when I heard that I randomly started to laugh  "hahahahahaha!!! Your so funny. no one can live up to three thousand years old. And I'm still mad at you guys even if I don't show it I'll still be mad." " be mad all you want but we will make it up to you by the end of the month. GUYS hurry up were leaving now. If you are not coming in ten seconds were leaving you!!!!" Then a guy wearing a red jacket and pants came down telling the "three thousand" year old kid of they can eat first but he said no because they are coming to my house to help unpack and said they can eat there too. " Can we leave now because it's getting late and I have to unpack and open up the shop. " "okay" he was going upstairs to get the rest of them except for Elizabeth she didn't like to disobey.I then heard yelling from upstairs and they all came down with mad faces.it looks like they were going to sleep. "It's okay I have air beds for you guys to sleep in and it's way cumf then beds . I have five air b
eds for you guys to sleep in so some of you guys will have to share a bed. But you will not sleep with opposite genders okay? Do I make that clear? I'm looking at you blonde! Don't grope us in the night okay!" He just smirked at the girls so I dissided to put cameras in the room the girls and I are sleeping in

When we got there they all went upstairs to see A LOT of boxes in each room there supposed to be in when i got up there i saw all the things that were in boxes in the places that i wanted them to be. "Wow (claps hands) you put all my stuff were i wanted them to go.NOW YOU MAY SLEEP(claps hands twice Then the lights turn off)." " wait!! Turn the torch on. wait. That wasn't a torch. Y

What was that!!!"when I turned the light on the guy who was floating made a face showing that he was happy with the lights on. Is her scared of the dark or something? "Okay so what are these things anyways?" "These things are called technology. You will know in the future. you will get to see in a million years from now. oh!! And there's no such thing as magic or powers. If you see someone floating they are using metal too hold them or they are using technology. (Coughs on purpose) time to sleep!!!!(claps hands again then the lights turn off.)

GUYS THIS PAGE HAS 1058 WORDS THAT'S THE BIGGEST I'VE HAD YET (sorry if I'm being annoying right now) so see I later my peeps!!!

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