loved one gone pt.2

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After I took a shower I changed in to the clothes that mom have me and walked to the kitchen. "Y'know you could always ask me if you want to learn how to fight if you really aren't a holy knight." When I heard that my eyes shot up to her face. " REALLY!!! I really want to learn how to fight!!! Please.teach me!!" "Yes I will teach you. But in return you will help me in the restaurant.  just across the four houses you'll see a restaurant." " Yes yes!! I will help you!!" We've been doing this for a month now now and I am a fast learner. I can even fight better than mom and I learned how to be the register and a waitress.

It was night time and mom was getting ready to go to bed while I was getting fruits and veggies from the market place. I taught mom how to use a phone so she can call me if something was going wrong in the house. I was pretty good at technology so we made a lot of stuff that was in the future. " damn it!! I forgot my phone!!!" you paid the price and started walking to the house. When you walked to the front door you had a bad feeling that you shouldn't go in the house but you slid that off your mind.When you were going inside the house you called your mom so you guys can make dinner. You waited for her to come down.every time she's sleeping I yell to get her to wake up. But this time she didn't even wake up. I went to her room to wake her up. when I went in there made me cry. My emotions were crazy. I was sad, mad, emotionless, I didn't know what to do. When I got up I heard a noise in the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and ran to the kitchen.
  I saw a guy wearing all black so I didn't get to see his face. " DID YOU KILL HER.SHE WAS MY MOM YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" "I killed her because she doesn't need to be with a monster." " What makes you think I'm a monster! Your the monster you just killed my mother!!!!" I screamed a lot. I got so mad I stabbed him and took off his thing that was covering his face. it was a women who surprisingly sounded like a man. I kept stabbing her until she didn't move. I got up and looked at the kitchen. It was filled with a pool of blood Everywhere. I put the lady in the fire pit because even if she is dead I still want her to feel the pain as a ghost. When I got in the room my mom was in I grabbed her lifeless body and put her in a coffen (just randomly!!) and buried her in a hill next to our house. After I put flowers where she was buried, I cleaned the blood that was in the kitchen and in the room. I disided to move far away from this kingdom Starting tomorrow because I wanted to go now! I packed everything that I owned and a couple of pictures of me and mom. After like two hours of packing I went to sleep.

DianeS pov.
One month before
" Hey captain guess what." I was really excited to say this.I can't believe i remember this. "Yes Diane?" " SHE CAME BACK!!! WE HAVE TO GO AND SEE HER" his face was sooo weird. He then started running up stairs to tell every body but he then stopped and looked at me "Wait how do you know????" Sigh " didn't you remember the year?" After that he then ran to tell the others. I heard him yell " GUYS SHE'S BACK WE HAVE TO GO AND GET HER!!!!!" After that I started to run out of the tavern and and yell to Merlin to take off the spell. I started to get bigger and bigger until I got to my normal size to pick up the team and run the the hill.


When I woke up I got to the restroom.I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on clothes. I didn't fell like putting on a lot of makeup so I just put on foundation and concealer. I made myself some breakfast and started to put my things in the carriage so I won't be able to hold everything while I'm on my horse. When I was riding I didn't know where to go because I've only been in one kingdom for a month. My birthday was in a month from now
So yeah. While we were riding we found a kingdom that was close to the other one. So we went to that kingdom. while I was in the village people were staring at me and whispering.I found a shop that was for sale it was two stories talk because the second floor is kind of like an apartment. So I bought it. It looked like home sweet home. When I was unpacking I disided to walk around the village and buy food. I found a bar in a hill so I thought it would be a good place to eat and drink water.
When I got in I found a pig and a girl with silver hair serving food and drinks. When I walked in the pig looked at me and started...talking?? "Oi!! you are the one Meliodas was talking about!!" Then the silver haired girl looked at me then she pulled me upstairs!. " you must be lady y

my name is can call me Ellie if you want." " umm you got the wrong person. I just came here to eat and drink water" this is so weird and who is this meliodas guy? " stay here I'm going to make food and close the restaurant for today.And you don't have to pay. A friend of the seven deadly sins are a friend of mine. " " Wait who are the seven deadly sins?" Before I could say that Ellie went to close the restaurant and make the food. When I was in the room I found a picture of what I suppose to be the seven deadly sins There was so many of them they I lost track of time looking at them. Ellie came I'm to seeing me looking at the pictures. I looked so confused. " you don't remember do you? Well they told me if you came in I have to keep you here until they come back." " Wait how come I don't remember this? I'm from the future. I was born in 2009? The year is supposed to be 2024?" You took out your two phones. One was your mom's phone. " What is that? Is that some sort of screw lady y

? "
I nodded no and told her what it was.

How is it so far? I'm sorry if it took so long to make this page I was putting them on paper so I won't forget about it. See u later my peeps!

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