Ruffled Feathers Part 8

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 Author's Note: Cub does a mad. He is a stress. Mumbo is also a stress. Major language warning though. Cub is very angry.


( The author is throwing fish at Chicken!Grian. They have a sign that reads: A few hours later.)





 I shook my head as I felt the solid, warm weight of a blanket on top of me. Did Cub do this? He probably did.

 How long have I been sleeping for? When did I start sleeping? My boredom probably got the best of me. I did have nothing to do after all. 

 Jevin said that it would take a day for his new potion to be made, and Cub said it would be a few hours before he could get results.

 Scar was constantly sleeping, and Grian...... was Grian. 

 I crawled out of the blankets despite the warmth inviting me to fall back asleep again. The feelings of warmth were met with the cold air of my base making me shiver. I threw the blanket over myself and looked around.

 " Hey Mumbo...." I looked towards the medical bed to find Scar laying around with a new ice pack on his back.

 " Is your back better?" I questioned as he nodded with a sigh. 

 Scar looked at his back; he had a guilty look on his face, " The times I try to be a good guy instead of going along with the Convex and Cub....." he sighed as I stood up and walked over to him.

 I put my hand on his shoulder, " You..... You did good Scar.... It was the right idea to help Grian." he looked at me, " I know it was good..... I just wish that it didn't leave me immobile like this.... I was already...." he looked down with a defeated look in his eye.

 I sat down on the floor, " Scar... Don't bring yourself down like this. You're one of the toughest hermits out here man. You lived in a volcano!" I told him as he nodded. Scar looked at me then at his back, " You're...... You're right...." he whispered.

 " Do you think you can change my bandages and ice pack? It doesn't hurt anymore, but Cub said to change both every couple of hours." he mumbled as I nodded.

 I walked over to my chest and pulled out some bandages and a new ice pack. Scar adjusted himself with a painful noise as I got to work on changing his bandages. It was oddly easy to change the bandages. I mean, it took only a few minutes to do so. 

 Scar laid himself back down after fluffing up the pillow he was using. He looked towards the door that Cub disappeared through earlier, " You should probably go check on Cub.... I heard him yelling in anger earlier." he looked towards me. 

 I stood up fully and took off my blanket and threw it to the side. I shook myself out and yawned. The sound of yelling started to surface from the other room, " Here he goes again...." Scar's voice was muffled by his pillow. 

 The muffled sounds of Cub's barrage of swear words came from the other side of the door. The disgruntled hermit kept shouting as I approached the door.

 " Cub?" I called out as I knocked on the door; the shouting started to weaken as some growling came from the other side of the door. 

 I put my hand on the doorknob and opened it. The room was dark with Cub breathing heavily and staring at his communicator.

 He looked up at me with deep circles under his eyes, " I found.... I found out who did this to Grian.... and it's real fucking obvious." he growled as he stood up and reattached his communicator to his arm.

 Cub had a really anxious look on his face as he walked into the light. I looked behind Cub as he passed me to notice his tail once again briefly showed, but he fixed his lab coat again hastily.

 " Did Evil X do it?" Scar and I asked as we looked at each other. Cub plopped down on Scar's bed with a sigh, " Damn straight he did.... I hate that prick...." he growled as Scar put his arm around Cub's waist.

 Scar and Cub looked at each other as Cub started to steady his breathing. Cub looked down at the floor, " Sorry for uh.... swearing like that.... I know you're not keen on me cussing...." Cub's shoulders drooped.

 I sighed, " You're fine Cub.... I know this is just how you vent." I reassured him as Cub sighed in respond as Scar continued to hug at his waist. Cub put his arm around Scar and hugged at him. 

 I stood up, " So, did you see which way Evil X went?" I questioned as Cub nodded, " He looked like he was heading towards X's base when I switched the cameras." he yawned as I nodded.

 " How long until Jevin is done with the cure?" I yawned as Cub checked his communicator, " Some time tomorrow. It's only ten at night." he moved down to the ground.

 I looked towards Grian's room, " You two get ready for bed then.... I guess..." I stretched out, " I'm......I'm..... I'm going to check on Grian then go to bed again myself." I told them as I entered Grian's room.

 Grian was sitting on the ground and cocking his head to the side as he looked at me. 

 After closing the door, I crossed my arms and walked into the room. 

 My heart was beating quickly as I stared at Grian; his hallow eyes were staring back at me with ten times the intensity.

 " Chrrrr?" he stood on all fours and put his hand talons on the fence. He let out a chirping noise as he noticed I was moving closer to him. I sat down in front of the pen, " H......." I couldn't even get a simple greeting out to him. 

 Grian nuzzled his head against the bars as I mutely looked at him. His wings and tail were twitched as he stopped nuzzling the bars to look at me.

 " Chrr...." he made a sad noise as he looked at me. I let out a heavy sigh. I shouldn't have come in here. I didn't want to leave Grian alone though while we figure him out though....

 I took out a small fish. I kneeled down in front of his cage and held the fish out to his with the head end poking into the cage itself through the hole I had previously. Grian took the fish with his mouth and laid down tiredly. 

 I looked away, " Good.... Goodnight Grian..." I choked out as I turned off the light and left the room.

 Scar and Cub were fast asleep in their respective spots. Cub was mumbling in his sleep as his face occasionally scrunched up from unhappiness.

 I walked over to my spot and collapsed. The blankets covering me fully as I curled up. It was now very apparent to me that I now welcomed sleep. 

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