Chapter 7

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Your thoughts swirling in your mind as you walked down the boardwalk in the direction of the cafe.

Maybe she just really likes mermaids, you thought, trying to reason with yourself as you pushed the doors open and walked into the cafe. You walked up to the counter and handed the flyers to the cashier.

"From Crystal Coral Souvenirs, its the flyers for the sales we're having this week. Soon-ja asked me to drop some off to you." You smiled at the cashier as she took them and nodded.

"She called us this morning too and told us to expect you, thank you for dropping them off to us." The staff member said, walking over to the other side of the counter to set them up. You turned on your heels and walked over to the booth in front of the large window, sliding into the seat and pressing the bell to call for the waiter.

 You turned on your heels and walked over to the booth in front of the large window, sliding into the seat and pressing the bell to call for the waiter

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"Hey there Y/N!" Chimed the voice of the lady who owned the cafe, "what can I get for you?"

You smiled sweetly at her, you had crossed paths with her every time you came into the cafe, she always put extra avocado in the salads you ordered because she knew you liked them best.

"The usual Jae-eun" you said to her, handing her the menu that was left out for customers who didn't already know what they wanted, "and an iced coffee"

She took the menu from your hands and nodded at you before turning towards the kitchen, "Coming right up sweetie"

You turned your attention to your phone, scrolling through emails.

Junk Mail

Junk Mail

Junk Mail

You sighed as you found nothing to reply to, almost missing the advertisement for a BTS concert in Seoul as you scrolled through the emails mindlessly. You paused, staring at the screen.


That's like $200.00, you thought, exactly how famous are these boys?

Your mind flashed back to your quiz game with Jimin and how strikingly normal the other boys you met were.

Impossibly handsome of course, actual living-breathing angels, but normal none the less.

You resisted the urge to google them, deciding that listening to one of their songs was more than enough information.

You opened Spotify and began searching, typing their band name into the search bar and scrolling through the options. You chose the first one that peaked your interest and put in your earphones.

Mic Drop started blasting through your earphones, the deep bass and the english-speaking rapper taking you slightly by surprise. You couldn't imagine someone like sweet innocent Jimin being in a band that sounded so.. what was the word for it.... tough? Gangster? You couldn't describe it.

In the Eyes of the Mermaid - Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now