Twenty four

384 8 1

Elsa POV

When we finally calmed down, we wiped the tears from our yes and gasped for breath.

We looked at each other.

We kinda stared at each other. Not in a creepy way, just a kinda stared into each other's eyes.

I smoothed my braid and placed it back on my right shoulder.

We were interrupted by a sudden yell.


It was Anna.

I ran out of the kitchen and dashed up the stairs with Jack at my heels.

What if she hurt herself?

What if some boy was trying to hurt her?

An axe murderer?

A jelly donut? Wait what? Elsa focus.

I flung the door open to her and saw Anna sitting at her computer having a Skype call.

Anna, I hate you.

"Elsa! Come meet my best friend Jasmine!!"

I looked on the screen and saw a girl with raven black hair that was really long. She had green eyes lined thickly with liner.

She waved.

"Anna, it's great that you made a friend but did you really have to scream? I honestly thought that you were dying," I told her.

"Sorry Elsa. I just wanted you to meet her," Anna said looking down.

I glanced back at the screen.

But as most girls do, she was staring at Jack.

Amazing. Another poop faced girl to deal with.

I waved.

"Hi! I'm Elsa! And this is my boyfriend Jack!" I said politely, hoping that she would get the message.

Jasmine immediately glared at me.

"Hi," she said shortly.

"Bye Anna! We'll be downstairs if you need anything. Please don't scream," I said.

"Wait! Elsa? Jasmine wanted me to come over... Can I?" She asked.

When I looked uneasy, Anna did her puppy dog face.

"Fine," I said laughing.

She squealed.

I closed the door and slid down against the wall. Jack slid down next to me.

"I honestly thought that she was dying," I said smiling.

Jack POV

Elsa, please keep smiling. Please? You look so beautiful. Much better than any of those girls who cake on the makeup and try so hard.

Elsa POV

"Jack?" I waved my hand in front if his face because he kinda zoned off.

"Oh. What? Sorry. Let us order that pizza!!!" He said.

He picked me up bridal style and I screamed, mostly out of shock.

I looked up at him.

"If you drop me, you pay," I said.

"M'lady, how would I pay thee," he said in a truly awful British accent.

"I don't know yet," I said tapping my chin in mock thoughtfulness.

He carried me down the stairs.

He set me down gently in a chair by the counter.

Dang, he didn't drop me.

I had a good idea for payment.

"Elsa! I have an idea!! Let's prank call Dominos," he said excitedly.

I smiled.

"Pweeeeeaaassseee?" He asked.

"Fine," I said and giggled.

We picked up the phone.

Pizza guy: Hello??? This is Dominos Pizza how may I help you.

He obviously had a cold.

Jack: (in high pitched voice) A cheese pizza buddy!!!

Pizza guy: Ok. Is that all?

Elsa: (low voice) Sprinkles....

Pizza guy: Excuse me?

Elsa: Sprinklessss...

Jack: (in the same voice as before) ya. We want sprinkles.

Pizza Guy: sorry we don't have that as a topping here.

Elsa was biting her lip to keep from laughing.

Elsa: (in strange voice) Well darling you better make it a topping libeling.

Jack's face was slowly turning redder.

Jack: (in derpy voice) YESH we want sprinkless

Pizza guy: *hangs up*

"CRAP NUGGETS!! That was so good!!!" Jack said in outrage.

I was now laughing openly.

"Sprinkless....." I choked out.

Jack started to laugh too and we were soon in the same situation that we were minutes before.

After we had calmed down, I said

"You know, we never did order that pizza."

We got up.

Once again, we began staring at each other again.

Jack stated to lean in and...

"Elsa? I'm going to go no- AHHHHH!!!" Anna squealed.

"Another Jelsa moment that I ruined," Anna said.

"What the toenails is Jelsa," I asked.

"Jack Frost and Elsa Winters. DUHHHH!!! It's a ship name and you guys are my OTP!" she said.

I face palmed.

"Anna, you can go now," I said pushing her out the door.

"NOOOOO," Anna yelled as she slid out of the door.

I shut the door and soon I heard a car start up in the driveway.

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