Chapter twelve

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Elsa POV

It had been months since the whole Hans incident. Rapunzel was much better, besides the rather nasty scar on her arm that she insisted upon covering up. She was in good spirits and so was Anna.

Jack and I had become closer through the while ordeal. We were now best friends. Well he was kinda my only friend. We told each other everything. But I wanted to know more about his past. At the moment I knew about where he lived, his family and his dog named Bunny. It sounds super stalkerish but it was his decision to tell me all this stuff.

I told him about where I lived and my parents.

I felt like I should know about his past life as well. I wasn't trying to be intrusive, but some words made him go quiet for a long time, such as "winner". I knew that there was something that he wasn't telling me.

Anna and Punzie thought that we should get together. They even thought of a ship name for us, Jelsa.

I still do really like him but I'm trying to push that feeling down. He'll never like me more than a friend.

It just won't happen.

I walked down the hallway and to the musical theatre room.

"Today Class, since all the girls have auditioned, I will be assigning parts to each person. The list will be posted on the door tomorrow morning! Don't forget to see your part. Boys will audition right now! Jack, you first!"

Jack POV

"You've got this in the bag, Jack! Rock it!," Elsa whispers next to me.

I slowly walk up to the stage.

"Once again you must sing a song, but it must be accapella."

No one could know about my talent! But Elsa knew. And she was the only person in the class that mattered. I had to sing.

I opened my mouth and I sang.

Elsa POV

I knew that Jack could sing. I had known it all along, even before he told me. I heard him singing to his music on the bus one morning.

But I didn't know that he had this much emotion. Honestly I didn't know what he was singing and I didn't care. He was star material and everyone knew it.

Jack POV

Once I finished everyone clapped.

But I didn't care about all of them.

It felt great, knowing that Elsa was proud of me.

I walked back to my seat.

"What were you singing?" Elsa whispered, trying not to disturb the other soloist.

"A song that I wrote."

"That is so cool!"


I didn't pay attention to any of the other boys. I couldn't wait to see what part that I got.

Elsa POV.

After school, I decided to walk home with Anna and Punzie.

I took my hair out of its bun and let the braid swing down and over my shoulder.

"You should wear your hair like that all the time," Anna remarked.


"Yeah it looks really pretty. You always look way beautifuller than me. No not that you look fuller but-," she said.

I laughed.

"Anna thank you."

We walked home.

Time lapse to after Dinner

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair.

Then I put on my PJs and brushed my teeth.

Soon after, I got into bed and fell asleep.

At about midnight, I heard a thump on the window. I sat up.

I heard it again.

I got out of bed and padded to my window. It was broken so it didn't open.

I looked down and saw... Jack? In the front yard at midnight?

I quickly braided my bed hair and grabbed a notebook and a Sharpie.

I looked out the window and saw Jack with a notebook as well. This is really strange. I wrote:

Jack! What are you doing here?

He wrote back:

I wanted to see you.

I wrote:


(A/N ok I'm going to write E for Elsa and j for Jack)

J: because

E: :/

J: nice shirt.

I forgot that I was wearing an old tshirt that says I like warm hugs.

E: what did you expect? And evening gown?

J: :)

E: once again, why are you here?

J: I felt like it. Plus I couldn't sleep.

E: ...

We talked for over an hour and finally I said.

I have to go to sleep Jack.

J: bye.

E: bye.

I crawled back into bed and fell asleep.

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