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Chapter 8: The Truth

[AN: Yes, Ringo is like Ursula. The 'Octopus' Garden' song was talking to me, I couldn't not make Ringo half octopus.]

A Few Hours Earlier...

"Is it true?"

John was in front of a cell, staring at his auntin. After the attendant's words John had been even more adamant of seeing his guardian, the other merman had gotten so frightened that he had directed him to the cells. The royal guards were nowhere in sight.

Mimi had swam to the bars with a smile, but now that smile faltered. "Is what true?"

John scowled, "Damnit Mimi, you know what I mean. Am I a siren?" His tone was quiet, he knew that he wasn't ready for the answer. All his life had been a lie, he had thought that he was normal. He thought of Paul and the tales about sirens that the human had told him, he thought about what he had researched, a siren's life was sad. They were seducers without trying, always doomed to never know which love was real or not. John tried not to think what that meant for him and Paul.

Mimi looked down, John had never seen her look so upset.

"Your mother enjoying visiting the surface," She started, "Like you."

John got closer, curious and cautious.

Mimi swallowed, "One day, she met a man. A human. Alfredo Lennon, your athair."

John looked down, he had always wondered why his Athair was not in his life. He had met his mam, and knew that she had had to leave him for some important reason, or was that another lie? How many had Mimi told him?

Mimi continued, "They had an affair, and she ended up pregnant. When she told the human, he was very upset. He ran away and left you both." She shook her head, "We tried to keep it a secret as best as we could, I had no idea what we were going to do but your mother had plans. She was going to take you to the capital when you were born, give you to King Triton. And I...I agreed."

John tilted his head, his heart aching. His mam had wanted to give him away? To some strangers? So he could be raised as a concubine and human seducer for the king? He lowered himself to the floor, feeling despondent.

Mimi looked at him with pity, "But then you were born, and I knew in that moment that I couldn't give you away, especially since you were not a female as expected. Triton has longed for a male siren for a long time, your kind-" John flinched- "are very rare, the last one died many years ago. I couldn't trust that he would let you reach maturity before he made a lover of you, so I tried to convince Julliah that your Uncail and I could take care of you."

John was hugging his tail now, feeling sorry for himself.

"But she would not listen, your Mam was convinced that the two of you could find a wealthy, secure life in Atlantis. She had made all the preparations for the move," Mimi took a deep breath, "So I acted in what I thought to be the best interests for you, and I took you away. Giorgge and I, we hid you from your mother. Eventually, she gave up. After all, she had no clue that it had been us that had...stolen you. She left for Atlantis on her own, mourning for you."

There was quiet for a long time. Then finally John spoke up.

"Thank you." He said, looking up with sad eyes. "For protecting me."

Mimi smiled at him(a rare thing), "Oh, John. I'll always protect you. That's why I didn't tell you, nobody could know...they would have alerted the capital for reward."

John frowned, "I understand, but...who told them now?"

Mimi frowned as well, "I don't know, John. But you have to hide, understand? They are coming for you-"

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