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Hey welcome to my book mental. First please do not get offended by the name of the book, because how you're feeling is one hundred percent normal. I really hope this helps you, even if it helps a little bit. This is also written by experience. We all need to  be there for one another when times get hard for us like now. ~Lucy xoxo

Hey! So you've decided to read my book. Either because you think it might help your mental problem or just curious, i don't know but either way is 100% okay. So this is how it's gonna roll. Each new page is going to be based on a different mental issue. You don't need to read it if you're not interested, just scroll to the one you want to find. I hope this helps, and my experience helps. 

So before we go and talk about various mental issues and problems, here is a little background story of my experience with suffering with mental issues. So when i say mental issues, it doesn't mean i am literally mental. Firstly i hate the word mental, i hate how that's how our issues are described as a 'mental issue'. As i am writing this, i am still suffering with my mental issues. I suffer with anxiety and OCD. I am very familiar with anxiety and OCD. It is so stressful keeping it all in and not talking about it, also it is very unhealthy. That is why i have decided to write a book about it. That is such a good thing to do when suffering with whatever it is you're suffering with, it could be anxiety, OCD, depression, etc. Writing about your problems does helps you a lot. Writing your feelings down is a great weight lifted off your shoulders. Also meditating helps your stress go from really high to dropping to were you feel calm. 

Relax and take baby steps. 

Never ever research if you're worrying, it only makes it worse. 

Now lets move on and focus on our first mental issue on the next page.

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