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I hope it is helping you! Thank you for reading! ~Lucy xoxo

So we're going to focus on Anxiety on this page. So there are so many types of anxitey:



. Social anxiety


.Generalized anxiety

These are all different types of anxiety. All anxiety are the same, none are better or worse than other. There is no anxiety disorder that is not important. 

What does anxiety feel like?

It depend on your anxiety disorder. Anxiety can make you worry and overthink a lot, sometimes about things that are not even important or even exists. If you have social anxiety, that is when you are insecure about maybe speaking in front of a large amount or even small amount of people. You constantly think people are judging you, but trust me they're not, and if they are don't let them get to you because you're beautiful. 

I feel like anxiety is destroying lives. It's destroying mine that's for sure. Are you constantly worrying? Cause I am. I worry too much, that is a bad habit of mine but i can't help it. I worry about the most stupidest things. Do you ever get that feeling where you know it's stupid what you're thinking about but you can't help it because you're brain is tricking you into thinking it isn't or just trying to get you to just worry. 

Worrying too much can lead to panic attacks. I have had way to many of these. Now if you are unsure what a panic attack is then here let me explain. A panic attack is when all your worries and thoughts come and make you over think. You start to panic a lot and can't control all these emotions and worries, it's scary. At this moment when this happens you just need to stop and:

. count to ten 

. list 5 things you can: See, smell, taste and touch. 

This should distract yourself and give you time to calm down. You need to tell yourself that it's just anxiety, it will pass and that you're in control. 

Anxiety is so hard to deal with, so please know that you're so strong and brave for dealing with this. You are incredible, you just can't see it. 

Now your main worry might be that you're going to have to deal with anxiety forever.

No, you won't. Everyone has experienced anxiety, some have experienced it a lot more than others. But it will pass, you are in control of that. You just need to help yourself. 

To achieve that you need to be able to know your anxiety. You're in control, not anxiety. You need to know how to face it. You need to try and ignore it, which is so difficult but the most important thing to do. Being able to relax and calm yourself is also important. 

Your Diet

Your diet is also very important. Having a healthy diet and routine can also help you get your anxiety under control. Try not to drink too much caffeine and have too much sugar. Eating healthy and having proper food helps. Try and have less time on technology. Exercise can help when stressed, go for a walk or a run or even start going to the gym on a daily basis. All these little things you can do to distract yourself and get your anxiety under control. 

I hope this has helped you a lot. Talking about your anxiety helps. Try not to bottle it all in. Writing your feelings in a diary or a journal helps you to keep on track with your feelings and emotions. Talk with friends or to with a adult. If you feel like you can't speak to anyone go to Childline and speak to a councillor or someone at school or even your GP.

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