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OCD has a huge impact on us. OCD can affect how we behave and think. It can make you feel crazy, but know you aren't. 

What's OCD?

OCD can mess up the way you behave and think. OCD can make you do many things, like maybe you need to switch every light, or tap things more than once, it makes you feel uncomfortable and scared or even nervous. This is your brain playing tricks on you. Ignore it. This may sound stupid or scary but it's the best way to deal with your OCD. Tell yourself it's just your mind playing tricks. You need to distract yourself. Talk about it or read a book. Doing this will distract yourself and help you forget about it.

OCD can lead to panic attacks. This is unhealthy, which is why you need to get it under control and fast. Now the longer you leave it the worse your OCD could get. 

My Experience 

My experience with OCD is that i got OCD ata young age but it wasn't as bad as it is now. When i was younger i would touch things until i got to a certain number and if i went past that number i would have to do it all over again. After a while it got a bit worse, that's because i didn't do anything about it. I still touch things or have to put things straight. I used to think i was going mad, i still do. 

Just know you're not going mad. If you're lucky enough you will have someone really close to you who you can talk to. Talking to someone about it helps. If you feel you have no one to talk to, which you should never feel like. You can go to again Childline. They helped a lot. I would speak to someone and get advice. There would be messages of other people with the same OCD and helped. You can write a letter and never post it. Writing it down also helps. Writing down feelings and how we feel and what has happened is a great way to help. This is because you can keep on track what you're doing. 

Writing this down now is already helping my OCD and Anxiety. You need to tell yourself:

"I am not crazy nor mad, it's just OCD and it will pass. Everyone suffers from OCD."

I hope this has helped you a lot. 

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