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Hey guys how are you all? Thanks for reading and i hope this book is helping you. That's the reason i wrote it, too help you!

Depression is one of the biggest mental health issues people suffer from. It makes you feel so low that you may not even want to talk. Sometimes depression can get so bad that it is ruining your life. 

Depression can be stopped and you can get back to normal. You deserve to be happy, you don't deserve to suffer from depression. 

When you have depression you loose your motivation, you loose your pride, your courage. But you are so brave for handling and coping with your depression. 

Speak up, talk about it and write it down. See your GP, or a councillor or an adult you trust or even a friend. It helps a lot to speak about it. It is horrible to feel like you feel. 

My experience 

I have no experience with depression but i have had friends who have. It was so hard to see them struggling and loosing their confidence and motivation. They were just so gloomy and had no emotion. One of my friends were that depressed that they harmed. 


Harming yourself will not solve anything. It will just hurt more. It will just be more pain, which you don't want. 

Maybe find yourself a hobby that you enjoy doing, taking your mind of everything. Start focusing on yourself and putting yourself first for a change. Stop worrying, which I know is stupid to say but it's true. You cannot just sit back and moan. You need to get back on your feet and be you! We need you back! You know this isn't you.

There are so many ways to heal your depression, find the best way that suits you. 

I really hope this has helped you a lot.

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