Bipolar Disorder

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Now i have no experience myself with the Bipolar disorder, as i am not bipolar. This doesn't mean i cannot talk about it and try and help you. This book is for everyone with their own mental health issue. This book is for those suffering with a mental health disorder and needs advice, some support or maybe just wants to read some experience. This book was made by me for you to feel safe and not judged. I hope i can or have helped you in any way. xoxo 

So as you know i am not bipolar or have no experience myself with the Bipolar Disorder. However that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it. If you're suffering or dealing with the Bipolar disorder that is perfectly fine. 

What's Bipolar?

Bipolar is a mental health disorder that changes your mood swings. Now everyone during puberty has mood swings. However bipolar isn't just going from happy to being in a mood all day with your mates. Bipolar can make you feel so low on some days and can have a huge affect on your life. The mood swings that people who suffer with the bipolar disorder are that they can suffer with depression. You cannot control your mood swings. With these mood swigs you cna be very depressed and very low or you could be very happy and ecstatic. 

Sometimes with treating Bipolar you can talk to a therapist or councillor. Talking about it may help you because everyone knows talking about your problems feel great afterwards. You cna be given tablet to help reduce your depression and mood swings. 

With all these types of mental health disorders a few have a risk of self-harming yourself. Whatever your situation is, you should never ever feel like you need to hurt yourself. Please never hurt yourself. 

Dealing with your disorder is very important. That is why you need to have a good diet. Having a good diet can make you feel so much better. However when your diet is bad you can feel grouchy and miserable. 

I really hope that this has helped you in any way. 

Remember that there is always support out there for you. 

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