Chapter 4

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' I'm always the most afraid of losing the people I love.' ~ Velocity

Chapter 4

Queen Velocity 

"Hurry. We don't have a lot of time. Silver is coming in to check the cages very soon." Snow breaks the cage open. The keys jangle in his talons as he unlocks the clamp. Princess rubs her scarred snout. "Why would you help me?" Queen Velocity comes into view, her eyes streaked with tears. "Why would you help us?" Princess asks. "She was dying. Her dragonets died of starvation. Only this one, "Snow gestures to Velocity to open her wing, revealing a bright green and yellow egg, "survived." She never told me she had an egg?! Our queen has a egg?! And she cares about it?! Rain wings never cared about eggs. 

"Thank you." I bow. "We're not out yet. Come." Snow flicks his tail around and beats his wings, so he hovers over the ground with Princess following close behind Velocity's tail. She clutches her egg protectively. She must be so devastated. To loss so many dragonets. That's like me losing Bumblebee or Lulu or even Rose. They're not mine but I love them like dragonets. Like sisters.

They fly out of the icewing kingdom through storms and blizzards and breezes of ice cold wind.It was pretty suspicious that no ice wings had chased them, but I guess they don't care too much about their prisoners.  Snow returns Velocity to the rain forest safely. "Thank you so much,"  Velocity curtsies to Snow, "tonight is the brightest night when my egg shall hatch. Please both of you stay and meet my dragonet, you did indeed save her life."

"No I can't..." Snow sighs. "Come on Snow for her." Princess wraps her paws tightly together, pleading with wide eyes. "Okay fine."

Velocity scurries off to a wooden platform in the trees. Holding her egg protectively to her chest, she curls up and soaks in the sunlight. "Sun time?" Snow tilts his head. "Wow look at you an icewing who knows about rainwings. Good for me." She playfully elbows him. Her eyes widen. 

"Come on, I want to show you the river I go to everyday, Ooo and how to find fruit, OH and you should try tree vine swinging!" She hops around Snow. He places a claw on her shoulder, his eyes glittering, "We will do what we get time to do." He turns and flashes a smiles back at her, "let's go to the river first." With joy Princess springs into the air and throws her wings open going aloft.

She soars over the leafy treetops of the forest, now and again, glancing down at the shuffle of a little lemur or slow sloths. The river gets closer so she spirals down and lands. Snow lands with a thud unlike her elegant landing. The river stretches far and long, its water glowing a crystal clear blue in the screaming sunshine. A waterfall cascades down crashing heavily whilst splattering droplets of water.

Snow breathes in through his nostrils, a smile, spreading across his face. "This is beautiful Princess." He releases that breath and faces her. She stares down at her reflection, " I come here everyday to see if I've changed, maybe somehow turned into a sand wing or for crying out loud: a stupid nightwing!"

"I don't think you'll turn into either of those. Yes your smart like a nightwing and fierce like a sandwing but you're as beautiful as a rainwing." Snow swipes a gentle talon along her neck. A shudder runs down her neck. Oh that feels good. He knows I'm a hybrid.

Her scales shift into a bright pink. Embarrassed and super super happy. "Thank you." Princess hops up from her position. "I want to teach you how to find fruit." She skitters along the grass and picks up a fallen apple from the large oak tree above her head. "These apples are pretty easy to find in the rain forest but others are well hidden."

"Could I perhaps taste that?" Snow points to it with a single talon, his mouth practically dripping with drool. "Of course." She holds it in the palm of her claw and lifts it up to his mouth. He opens his mouth, and moves to hold the apple only by touching her claw and holding it up. He bites into it, the juice dripping out and trailing down his forearm.

He moans in satisfaction. "That is so good." He releases her hand and throws the rest of the apple into his mouth, leaving only the sound of crunching. "Berries are found on bushes, mangoes usually on the ground, grapes are hanging from vines, oranges are always on trees," Princess teaches as she shows and tells where all the fruits are. On their little 'tour' Snow test tastes all the fruits each getting a moan of delight from.

"Here we have the best fruit. A tingle berry." Princess holds a bunch of dark pink berries. "Why are they called that?" Snow pops them into his mouth. His eye twitches and his mouth quivers. He does a jiggle with his body, scratching at his forearms and shaking his head vigorously. When he finishes his little dance, he puffs loudly. Princess was rolling on the ground, with tears streaming down her face and laughing out loud.

"That's why it's called that." Snow wipes his puffy red eyes. "That was a whole heck of tingly."

"That.... Was.....funny..." Princess breathes heavily, not able to form full sentences properly.." you're.. Face.. was like..oo...AA." She pulls a face then continues laughing. Snow shakes his head and laughs with her.

"Let's go vine swinging. It's almost midnight." The sun had set, the sky now streaked the colour of blood. Oranges, yellows and pinks streaked out from the blood red sky making it look like a colourful rainwing itself. White stars were splattered across the sky. "Your almost is not even almost." Snow chuckles, pink tinting his cheeks. Fluffy looking white clouds cover the sky like a storm was approaching.

Princess wraps her talons around a thick vine hanging from a tall tree. Snow copies her. "I advice that you hold on very tightly," Princess stands on her hind legs. "Just follow my lead." She leans forward and wraps her tail around the vine with her legs still dangling. She swings forward then leaps onto the next vine using her wings to push her forward faster.

She clings onto a vine and hangs over a far away ground. Snow leaps from vine to vine, whooping loudly with each jump. He miss catches a vine and falls and for a split second, she thinks he won't fly in time but he curls his tail around the vine just in time. He hangs upside down holding the vine with his tail. "How are your icewing blades not cutting it?"

"I don't know." He puffs from his position upside down. He reaches up with his claws and pulls himself up. "Keep going, I'll be fine." He signals for her to go on. She continues only until the vines to swing from run out now leaving an open space where the sky is visible. Princess places a claw on top of the other and climbs up the vine onto the tree. She holds a claw down to Snow and he takes it. With all her upper body strength, she heaves him onto the leafy surface.

Up here, the sky is beautiful. Now the sun had set completely and the sky glows a midnight blue. Stars shine brightly and some flash now and again like they're secretly smiling at the dragons below them. "I could live here."

"Then why don't you? Unless you have a tribe to get back to?" Princess tilts her head at him as she sits down beside him. Their shoulders touch and Princess didn't move. This is how I like it.

"I don't want to go back to my tribe." Snow swallows, the lump in his throat visible over his thick blue scales. Did he do something against his tribe? I mean I ran away, what could get worse than that? "I understand. I love it here but I want to leave, explore the rest of Pyrrhia, you know?" Princess shuffles closer, the tip of her talons touching his. "Your not a lazy rainwing like most, I like that about you," he entwines his tail through hers, "we can explore Pyrrhia together." 

"Now I like the sound of that." 


Authors Note

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