Chapter 6

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' Running away from the ones you love is not the way to show them you love them.' ~ LeafSlayer

Chapter 6


Princess camouflages her scales and follows. Snow surges over frosted trees and glides above the icy waters. They were back in the icewing kingdom. He loops below the trees and out of her sight. She spirals up the pine trees and slithers to the top. Her scales change to the same dark green as the tree. She clutches the tree ferns with her claws as the wind blows roughly trying to throw her off as if saying 'stop following him you stupid dragonet, he will never love you.' 

Snow shoots out of the trees. Princess stumbles after him, the tree swinging behind her. Her tail dangles dangerously behind her. "Why are you following me?" Startled, she breathes out deeply and changes her scales back to normal. "I'm.. I uh. Sorry."

"It's fine. Come on then. Tell me more about yourself." He slows his wing beats to the same pace as hers and flies alongside her. Princess blurted out so much about herself. A bio log about herself. Her whole life.. She poured out to this stranger. This stranger who saved her... This stranger who she trusts.

"That's fascinating." He nods like he understood. "Why are you running?" Princess tilts her head. "My tribe. I betrayed them. I will be killed. There will be no chance for survival for me, even as their prince." He responds as his smile turns into a frown. "I've been running for a while now. I planned to rescue you a while back and Silver already knew." He continues. "Oh," she felt terrible, it's her fault he may be killed, "you didn't have to."

Suddenly a  blue icewing blasts towards Snow so Princess raises her barbed tail and strikes him in the under belly. He gives a yowl of pain then fumbles to the ground, beating his wings to stay in the air. A jab of pain causes Princess to look down at her own belly. Great. The one thing I suck at. Aiming with my tail. A wound was appearing on her underbelly, the blackness spreading rapidly. Oops. Her wings fail to stay beating. She plummets to the ground but Snow swoops her up and onto his back.

He lowers her down onto the ground beside a rushing river. The river leads into a waterfall which charades down crashing loudly below. Snow studies her. "How can I fix this?"

"Why would you help me Snow." I'm stupid and lazy. "I'm a stupid lazy rainwing!" Snow opens his mouth to respond but Princess cuts him off, " Why would you spend a whole day with me? Why Snow Why?!"

"Because I love you!" Snow almost yells. Shades of bright pink appear on his cheeks. If he was a rainwing he would be glowing pink. He turns his head away in embarrassment. "I have to go." He mutters, he spreads his wings and takes off. Not even glancing back. Not even once. He left. He left me like this. He left me to die. The black has spread across her entire belly and has started trailing along the under part of her tail.

A flash of green lands beside her tail. Leafslayer. Princess pipes up with happiness her scales changing dark pink expressing her inner emotion. "What happened?" LeafSlayer asks, his olive green scales sparkle with crystal clear water droplets. "Prince Snow left me here... to die." Princess winces. It sounds worse then she intended for it to sound.

"I'll fly off and get some Cacti juice. Don't die while I'm gone." His eyes sparkle with amusement. "Can't promise anything." She snorts. She lays her head onto the ground, groaning in pain. However long he takes, I must stay alive. Can I really do that? What's my purpose in life? What is my purpose on Phyrria? Her vision starts to blur. This is it. This is my purpose. Her eyes close and she fades into a slumber, and her fear of whether she would be alive or not was greater than her need for cacti juice.


Authors Note

Do you all think Princess will survive? Will Leaf make it back in time? Why did Snow leave like  a coward? 

~ SunsetDawn0 

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