Chapter 8

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'I'll never forget you even if I did' ~ Princess

Chapter 8


"Alright dragonets! Sit up! Bee stop biting Rose's tail! Lulu quit playing games with Pollen Dust and pay attention! No Rose, don't you dare sneeze on Pollen Dust." Princess scowls at the dragonets. She sits up on her haunches and folds her arms. They just don't listen. Do these dragons even have ears. "ENOUGH!" Princess yells. The dragonets scramble over each other till they were facing her and ready to learn. "Good." Princess unfolds her arms and lands on all fours.

"Today we will be doing venom target practise." Princess presses a button on the ground. Four wooden targets slide forward on their metal wheels and stop with a sudden 'whoosh.' "Do we all know how to aim?"

"No." The dragonets pipe up in unison. "Okay follow what I do." Princess turns and faces them. "Open your mouth like this and you'll see these two sharp teeth," she opens her mouth and points to the two front teeth then snaps her jaw shut. "Those are your 'venom teeth' that's where the venom comes from and you have to aim where they can shoot."

The dragonets copy what Princess did. They snap their jaws open and close. "Then you open your mouth, aim, and shoot." Princess shoots at the target. Little spots of black eat away at the wood like acid on a creature. "Ooo." Bee hums with amusement. "Can we try?" Rose asks, her eyes big like a jungle sloth. "Yes. Since our last lesson was a stuff up." Princess remembers walking away when the dragonets asked about her barbed tail. She didn't feel comfortable talking about how different she is from other rainwings. And especially not to dragonets.

Bee opens her mouth, forgets to aim and shoots at what she thought was the target. Her venom sizzles on the plant beside the target. "Oops," she rubs her talons frantically. "It's okay. You're not going to get it right on your first go. I struggled too when I was your age." Princess shrugs. From what I remember about my dragonethood anyway.

PollenDust's scales glow dark green. "Well why do your scales tell me that you're feeling prideful?" Princess smirks at the little dragonet. "Look." She bounces with excitement and points at the sizzled target. "I got it!" Yes she did. The wooden target is splattered with black venom around the outside of the bulls eye. "Well done Pollen Dust!" Princess turns to the other three dragonets, "Now I would like you three to hit any part of the target."

"Yay!" Rose high fives Pollen as soon as her target was covered in venom. Lula got it seconds after but Bee thrashes at the ground in anger, her scales a radiant red colour like hot lava. "Bee," Princess places a gentle paw on her back between her wings, "never give up. You're a strong dragon. You can do this." Bee puffs out her chest, opens her mouth and shoots the target smack bam on the bulls eye.

Princess claps her claws together, "Good job Bee!" The bush rustles and she glances at it with beady eyes. "Who's there!? Come out whoever you are." A flash of white blue scales comes forward. An icewing. Princess digs her claws into the ground and growls. She threateningly points her barb at the icewing. "I don't want to hurt you." The icewing defensively holds up his claws.

Bee giggles and collides into the ice wings forearms. The icewing tries to lift his claws away from Bee but she continues to jump around him. Princess wearily eyes the dragon. He seems to be no threat. But why do I feel like I know him? "Who are you?"

"You don't remember?" The icewing tilts his head, "I'm Snow." Princess shakes her head, "I don't know you."

"Yes but I know you." He playfully taps Bee on the snout, "however that's irrelevant at the moment."

"What are you doing here?!" Leaf's gruff voice calls out from behind Princess. He strides forward with teeth bared at Snow. "What did you do to her? Why can't she remember me?" Snow yaps at Leaf, blinking his ice blue eyes once. "What needed to be done." Leaf slithers towards Snow and leans into his ear to whisper something. A secret conversation too soft for me to hear.

"I should leave." Snow shoots into the sky and flaps his wings in the direction of the ice kingdom. "No wait." She calls after him but he is out of hearing range. "Don't follow him." Leaf grumbles then stomps down towards the dragonets. That, I also can't promise. Princess shoots after Snow. No. Where is he? He darts out from the trees below and blazes his frost breath in the sky then dives into an open dark hole between a large crack in a rock. Woah. It looks dark in there. Should I really go in? I mean the last time I went into a dark hole was really bad. And it was underwater.

I was swimming in the lake south of the rainforest with my best mud wing friend, Pebble, and she was showing off her skills to breath underwater for an hour. When she stayed beneath for longer, I dove in after her. I didn't know where I was or where I was swimming. It was too dark and I wasn't a seawing. No glowing scales. I swam through a hole and got stuck. It wasn't long before I almost ran out of breath. Pebble cascaded into my head and got me free from it but I was fainted. When I woke up, I was in severe pain and I had a bruise in my scales. Not a pleasant experience.

Don't be a coward. Go in after him, you know him. You know you do. Her claws grip both sides of the rim of the hole and she stares down it. Okay, if I die. Tough luck. Her scales glimmer to match the environment around her and she becomes totally transparent. She tucks her wings in tightly to her body and dives into the hole. The darkness disappears and a beautiful lake comes into view. It's a cave. An underground cave. The lake water glimmers a crystal clear blue, with a small patch of ice. 

Snow paddles his way through the water staring straight at me. He can't see me. HA. My scales do work. She watches him for a moment just at how relaxed he looks. How can he be so relaxed when all around him  war's breaking out. He heaves himself out of the water and onto the ice patch. He paces around in a circle blasting out his ice then  lies down onto it.

Princess changes her scales then waves a claw at Snow, "Hi!" He waves back with a small smile. "What are you doing here?" She practically yells across the lake. A drip echoes through the cavern. It's quiet. And peaceful. I could live here. Snow gets back into the water and swims her way. He emerges his head, with water trickling down his face, "I'm hiding from my tribe. I've been on the run for years now." 


Authors note

What did Leaf do? 

Picture of Lulu above ^

~ Sunsetdawn0

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