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"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I shout at him

"Babe what're you talking about?"

"I knew I should've stayed away from you from the start! Is that why you could'nt hold a girl Zayn? Cause you were nothing but a flirt and a cheater? Whatever. At least I'm not a dumb ass like the last girl that stayed with your nasty ass." I fret grabbing my bag

He walks over after wrapping his towel around him and grabs my arm pulling me close.

"Baby please? What's your problem?"

"You! You're my problem Zayn!"

He stares at me hurt with a lost look. I roll my eyes.

"Okay let's talk about Molina Zayn."

His eyes widen.

"Molina?" He asks lost

I trow my bag at him in anger.

"Yes fucking Molina! Your 'baby girl'!" I shout throwing air quotes around her name

"Alex baby please."

"Fuck you and don't call me that! You know, if you're gonna cheat it's probably smartest not to leave your phone laying around. Why even be in a relationship? I'm obviously not your top priority!"

"Don't fucking say that! If you didn't mean something to me I wouldn't be going to your damn high school to go to your prom. It's a fucking high school Alex seriously. I could be finding better things to do."

I feel my eyes water.

"Then find something better to do since it's not your thing. If you didn't wanna go you shouldn't of told me you did! It doesn't matter anyways because I'm finding a new and better date to go with me to prom!"

"Oh whatever Alex. It'll be a matter of time before you clear your head."

"I don't know when it became okay for you to cheat on me. I'm done Zayn."

"Fucking face it Alex! What did you expect? You're fucking 16 and I'm 21! There's a fine line between age. I'm grown. I wanna drink and party. You're young. You're a kid. Grow up and open your pretty dark eyes for once." He says annoyed

"Take me home. Now." I say


"Take me home Zayn! I don't wanna be here anymore especially with you."

"No! You're gonna sit here and you're gonna think and clear your head."

"Fine. Then I'll leave by myself. I'll fucking walk home!"

I say grabbing my bag and leaving his living room. I go out and slam the door with a thunder bolt sound. Zayn follows behind me. I hear his voice calling my name. I turn around flip him off. I start running and cut through trees so he can lose his sights of me. The nerve of that man is what got me the most. Who the hell did he think he was calling me a kid when he's the one playing little immature games and running around. I honestly hate him right now.

It starts raining with my luck. I pout and stomp in the puddles. The rain and mud swish over my shoes like waves at the beach. I'm starting to cool off as the rain drops hit my forehead delightfully. I smile and look up into the cloudy London sky. The clouds bring back reminiscence of my childhood past. My father and I used to go out and make little figures up about the clouds. When it was rainy and cloudy, he's tell me that for every rainy day, there's a smile that holds sunshine. This makes me think about how much I miss my father. I decided that after my work shift, I'll spend some time with him.


Work is long and heavy and I can't wait for it to end. I anxiously watch the clock, awaiting the moment for the long arm to stretch over that forty-five mark. My uniform is stained with cola and pastries as I take orders of hungry mountain lions awaiting their prey. All I hear is the complaints of customers, swooshing in one ear and following out the other. I don't even bother to check my phone because of how busy I am.

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