Let's Fly

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Hope's POV

"I didn't know anybody was coming to your house?" I say kind of hurt.

"Uh I have other friends you know," Alex says with an attitude.

I hate it when she gives me and attitude because usually when she says something, it's either smart, cruel, or just hurtful and she doesn't get that about herself.

"Okay well usually you tell me I mean I've called you like five times."

"Oh. I didn't have my phone on me," Alex says.

"So if I checked your phone then-"

"Why are you being like this?"

"Like what?!"

"Ridiculous." Zayn says blankly, giving me a look.

"This isn't between you and I. It's between me and Alex."

"She's my business too last time I checked."

"Look why don't you just come in and chill okay?" Alex suggests.

I nod my head and walk in. November has sat back down in the living room on the couch, lonely. Good. She deserves to stay that way. I roll my eyes and make my way up to Alex's room.

"I'll be back guys. Sorry about that," I hear Alex say behind me as her footsteps follow along mine.

We walk into her room and she shuts the door behind us. I plop down on her bed and she stands before me, arms crossed with anger fueling through her eyes.

"What," I smart.

"Why do you have to be like that? Can't you just be civil and get along with the people I get along with?"

"I am civil Alex. And as if you haven't figured out, I never got along with the people you talked to simply because you and I are two opposite social classes. I'm fine with that but I never figured you'd scrape a scrap from the bottom of the earth."

"Don't talk about her like that. She's actually really cool. Give her a chance."

"Uh hello? Who are you even? God damn last week you were going off about how weird she was and how you couldn't see yourself talking to someone like that and now you're all of a sudden friends? I mean what the fuck Al?!"

"Yeah because I couldn't see it but you and I both know that I always said it isn't good to just cross people out. Besides, she talked to me first. I gave her a chance."

"Oh my god!" I roll my eyes.

"I seriously can't take this right now."

"There you go, running away again."


Alex has always had anger issues and the little amount of fuel could make her explode even if she wasn't on fire. I usually didn't take her words to heart.

"You don't mean that. Calm down."

"Fuck off!"

We hear a knock at her door. It's Zayn. He walks in frowning, asking if everything is alright. I'm okay with Zayn but he's not exactly somebody I want to see right now. Especially after all the commotion downstairs.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I say and walk into Alex's bathroom. I hear Alex walk out and I shut the bathroom door, grabbing my hair out of frustration. I look at myself in the mirror.

"Pig," I say, tearing up.

I bow my head down on the counter. Somebody walks in. Probably Alex coming to say sorry for her harsh words. I turn around and gasp. It's Zayn. I attempt to scream because I'm startled and freaked, but he puts his hand over my mouth and shuts the bathroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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