The Reason

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After school on Monday I scurried home to put on my new uniform. Hope had gone home (thank god) because she wouldn't stop pestering me about this stupid concert. Why would I wanna go anyways? I mean they do have amazing music and all but I'm not for it.

I got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Let me take a picture of my beautiful girl." My father came cheerily

"Dad why do you always wanna take pics?"

"Because memories are the way to go."

I sigh "fine."

He snaps a quick pic of me. I give him a hug and head out.

I walk into snaps and see paparazzi everywhere. Probably some model or celeb. The usual. I really think I got this job because of my cleavage. I mean look at me. I'm wearing a tight half shirt, mini skirt, and some pumps. Just looking at me, you'd think if I wasn't waitressing than I was a street worker.

I'm immediately greeted by my boss Tony.

"See ya made it babes." Tony says cheerily

"Yeah." I laugh

"Well you can start serving and doing what you guys do." He waves his hands

"Uh you mean waitress?"

"Yeah that. Tata have fun!" He laughs and walks back into his office

Amazing. I make quick chat with my co-workers and settle in fast. I see a group of men hit a table. I grab some menus and a note pad and pen. This place is always packed and loud. It's the real deal. Flashing lights from cameras, loud conversations, and the pretty sweet club music that goes on. Now I understand why I'm the youngest here.

I walk over to the table.

"Hi welcome to snaps. You're hottest dining in town. Have you ever been?"

"Yes a ton." One of the lads say

"Awesome so you're familiar with the place. I'm Alex and I'll-" I stop and stare at the very familiar faces. One in particular. There's no fucking way this is what I think. I'm taking one directions order? Really?! With Zayn right in front of me?! I try to act cool and regain my statement.

"I-I'll be your server." I say ashamed

They're all wearing normal street clothes. Nothing that would give them away. They just look..normal. Zayn doesn't pay me any recognition. Thank god.

I bring them back their drinks and take their orders. Just as I think everything's clear louis stops and looks at me.

"Darling you seem familiar."

What? He doesn't know me?

"Do I know you?" He asks

"Uh no?" I say in confusion

Zayn turns around and instantly looks at me. His face is quite puzzled. I tell them I'll be right back with their food. I scurry out and give the chefs the orders. I try desperately to find a co-worker who can work the table.

"Tammy! Can you work table five?"

"Why?" She asks

"Why not? I mean it's one direction." I comply

"Yeah I suppose but I wouldn't pass if I were you. Then again I guess it doesn't matter."

"Thank you so much!" I cry

I was pretty happy that she was able to take the table. She had to of thought I was crazy. Who turns down celebs at a big London restaurant? I do I guess.

Hours pass and I'm happy that it's finally 10. I hang up my half apron hold and place it on the rack and tell Tony goodbye for the night. I'm exhausted and my feet hurt. Before I leave, Tammy stops me.

"Hey somebody asked for your number but it's been a long day. I can't remember who it was." She said

"Aw was he cute?" I blush

"Yeah but it's somebody I just have on the tip of my tongue. Anyways, if you get a call, you know why."

"Thanks tam. Bye girl."

I leave and walk home. My dad's asleep on the couch. He must've fallen asleep watching TV. The usual. I flip off the TV and walk upstairs. I text Hope letting her know how my day went.

I get dressed for bed and lay under the plush covers. About an hour into my sleep I hear my phone ring. I wake up sighing in frustration of being woken. It's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say questioning

"Uh. Hi?" A voice says

"Who is this?"


"Hello? What?" I question confused

"You just sound..the same as today." They say

"Well duh?" I reply

"Yeah. Listen can I take you out?"

"Uh yeah sure wait whats your name?"


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