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     it takes one relationship to change someone's life. for the good or the bad. for me it was the bad. i was eighteen when it happened. it was freshman year of college. i was peer pressured into going to a party held at a club not too far from campus. truth be told i was never much of a stereotypical college student. i did my best to keep my grades high and graduate with my degree and pay off whatever debt i owed. (which thanks to my parents, wasn't much).

     the party was overwhelming, near being some sort of rave. a mix of alcohol and drugs made it hard to bare. i stayed in the corner, trying to escape whatever interaction came my way. about two hours of small talk, shitty punch and cheese and crackers later, i decided it was best to leave. struggling to weave through the amounts of people who were too wasted to even realize i was there, i bumped into someone. i quickly apologized and made on my way before the figure grabbed my wrist.

     "wait." he called out.

      i turned to face him, the neon lights illuminated his features, he was a bit taller than i was, and his hair was a light shade of brown. or was it black? one of the two. his eyes were a warm tone of brown, staring into my own with a feeling i couldn't quite put my finger on just yet. 

     "what's your name?" he asked, his voice barely becoming audible over the music.

     "(y/n)!" i forced out for him to hear.

     "well, (y/n), let's get out of here, shall we?" he said, his hand still on my wrist as he dragged me out of the building and into the night. it was a nice beginning. but the beginning doesn't often turn out the same in the end. 

     that night was the start of my first relationship i ever had. we shared a little chat in the park not too far. swinging briskly and slowly on the swings at 2 am. that was my favourite part. his name was charlie. a freshman like i was. we appeared to get on swimmingly. but it wasn't long before his name became a poison to me.

     this was three years ago. we dated for about six months (not too long really, but to me for my first relationship, it was a lot). it was then when i found out he was a player. a fake. a fascade. a cheater.

     it was a late afternoon, the sun painting the sky a wonderful shade of colours. i marveled at the sight. soon when it faded, i headed home, taking a quiet stroll down the street. today felt different, and i took a bit of a longer stroll to the dorms. upon doing so, i came across charlie making out with another girl. 

     i stood there and stared, in pain, confusion, and most of all, heartbreak. i made the idiotic decision to run away and not confront him until later. i locked myself in the dorm, my roommate questioning my troubles. i let out a quiet sob. and what was first a tear drop became a pool of pain and heartbreak. 

     a girl's first heartbreak. not something to exactly look forward to. not something that should exist. but the more i cried, the more i realized that he wasn't worth  crying about. 

     my roommate informed me that charlie never really had any interest in dating me. he only did it because it'd make him look good by being with a pretty girl. i was used. i was told i was loved and i was stupid enough to believe it.

     not anymore. i, (y/n) (l/n) will not be fucking used. and i made the decision that i would never get heartbroken again. i was the heartbreaker. and nothing, and no one, is gonna fucking change that.



here's the intro chapter, a bit of background as to why (y/n) is angsty. so, you say no one's gonna change that little heartbreaker attitude of yours hmm? HMM? :^)

are u sure about that?

lol anyway. much love to the readers.



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