🌹s i x t e e n🌹

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     i had been home for a few of weeks after the trip to melbourne and fiji. it was hard saying goodbye to cameron, but the both of us kept in touch through lots of texting and 3 a.m. discord calls because both of our sleep schedules were fucked. 

     on a better note, i had actually found a nice apartment in melbourne not too far from the boys' house. all that was left was to move in and i'd be home free. well, not really. i had most of my boxes packed and i was due to leave for melbourne tomorrow. all that was left to do was pack my essentials in a carry-on, since i had absolutely no fucking clue when my stuff would actually arrive in a different continent. 

       i did a double check on my furniture, making sure everything was in its assigned box. one for books, kitchenware (as if i ever cooked), and other things i would need at my new apartment. most of the stuff i didn't need, like decor or other furniture i didn't like that much anymore i sold or gave away to some of my friends. that being said, at least i had a little bit of money to settle in and get everything ready.

        i stared at my current chaotic state of my apartment. boxes ridden everywhere and the room feeling empty and much more echoey that previously. i sighed softly, change was hard to get used to, but this was a change i was most definitely looking forward to. 

        i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and quickly pulled it out. i smiled as i saw cameron's name pop up on the screen. i opened up the text he had sent.

chief 😤

(y/n) i miss u can u come home already


i'm coming in like 2 days smh

chief 😤

ok hey google how do i speed up time


cam, bb, ur adorable but im literally drowning in cardboard boxes and there's plates on a shelf i can't reach what do i do

chief 😤

ha shorty



wOw ok

i give u my love and affection and this is how you repay me i see how it is mr. empire state building

chief 😤

wait no im sorry come back :((



ok fr fr i gotta yeet cause the moving people are coming tomorrow and im currently on like three red bulls and two hours of sleep so i think im gonna die or just fight god himself

either one i dont think there's gonna be an in between

chief 😤

kick god's ass for me bby ;)


will do babes x

delivered at 8:07 p.m.

     i shut off my phone and proceeded to pack up the remainder of what was left, eventually finding a stepping stool to reach what i needed on the shelf. i placed it into the box and closed it up. the final box had been packed and i was officially done with the somewhat hard part. 

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