🌹t h r e e🌹

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     about thirty minutes after eric sent his texts, he arrived in a rather decent-sized SUV, pulling up next to the sidewalk. he honked the horn repeatedly to get my attention and i walked up next to the car as he rolled down the driver seat window, which confused me at first, but it was australia. so i realized that the driver and passenger sides were switched.

     "you're fucking uber driver is here, bitch." he called out from the driver seat that was in front of me. 

     "you just earned a one star uber rating." i retorted, earning a light chuckle in response, "it's nice to see you again, eric." i said, smiling. he came out of the car and engulfed me in a hug. we had known each other since college but he dropped out sophomore year and we sort of drifted. i was definitely proud of his whole youtube career and was supportive of it when no one else really was in his life.

     "same goes for you too. now let's go home, i've got a couple of guys that wanna meet ya." he said. i followed around the other side of the car and opened the passenger seat door, climbing in as swagger entered the driver's seat. once we were both situated we started the drive to the place that he was staying.

     i watched the lights of the city go by. it was almost hypnotizing at the way they passed the window. it was the kind of thing you'd see in some sort of sad music video. music quietly played from the radio and i hummed along quietly. it wasn't until about an hour later (thanks to traffic) that we arrived in a little complex filled with numerous houses. they were all spaced apart pretty well. we drove up to the one that was a little further down the road and eric pulled into the driveway.

     "you have arrived at your destination. i want my v bucks." swagger teased.

     "whoops, i don't seem to have any v bucks on me right now. mostly because fortnite is a dead game. sorry." i joked.

     "i was scammed," eric pouted. i rubbed his back in reassurance.

     "i'll make it up to ya, promise." i winked. he smiled again and we both decided to head into the house. from the outside i could hear low chatter and at times loud bursts of laughter and screaming. 

      "don't mind them, they don't mean to come off as low IQ idiots, but that's exactly what they are." swagger mused, i let out a quiet chuckle.

     "that's not very nice, is it?" i replied.

      "oh, no you'll understand why once we come in." he said, knocking on the door because he forgot the keys inside the house. no response. he knocked on it again. nothing. "fuck. here follow me."

     he pulled me towards the back of the house where there was a little garden, a pool, and you could see a couple of balconies from the house. 

     "if you're going to fucking jump onto the balcony i'm going to strangle you." i said, he looked at me in defeat.

      "fuck, there goes plan a."

     "you really thought you could reach it? you're like fucking four feet tall." i teased. he felt deeply attacked.

     "HEY i'm still taller than you, cunt." he retorted. i held my hands up in defense. it's not my fault i'm fucking 5'2. 

     with that, he climbed over the stone wall and fell into the garden, pulling me up over the wall. once we were both over by some fucking miracle, we headed down the path and he repeatedly banged on the glass sliding door that looked into the living room of the house.

     "HEY. FUCKTARDS. LET US IN." he screamed. the neighbors would definitely be enjoying that.

     one of the boys in the room quickly scurried over and opened the door, they didn't bother questioning who i was for the time being, for the moment they were just wondering how the hell we ended up locked out of the house in the middle of the night banging the back door. 

     once we were inside i stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, i heard one of the boys question who i was.

     "swagger, who is she?" one asked, i waved softly and swagger looked at me.

     "she's an old friend of mine i went to college with. this is (y/n). say hi." he said.

     "hi?" i said a bit nervously, i wasn't sure why i was nervous now, compared to openly introducing myself at parties and raves getting fucking wasted. this felt different.

     "she's cute. can i slip into the dm's?" one of the guys chuckled, he had a light shaved head but there were tiny bits of hair that were growing in. i assumed it was mason from the videos i'd seen of him and swagger.

     "sorry, mate. dm's are closed." i snickered. he let out a little pout and swagger chuckled lightly. "on another hand, hi my name is (y/n), as swagger just mentioned, and i'm visiting australia because life is a bitch and it fucking hates me" i said with an enthusiastic sarcasm.

     "well, now that that introduction is done, now it's your turn. the screaming idiot is mason, the actual normal person here is matt, that's jay, and toby, and cameron...is no where to be found." he said. the boys seemed like nice people compared to the usual shenanigans that happened on camera. 

     swagger was now screaming for cameron to come down from wherever the hell he was as he put it. i stood in the living room, an awkward silence took up the room until footsteps came from the stairs. swagger came down first, and then i saw a much taller person come down. he looked a bit tired, then again it was a bit late. 

     but all jokes aside, he was cute. i'll give him that.


this chapter is shit lmao sorry. next one will be better, promise.

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