🌹e i g h t e e n🌹

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c a m e r o n

       the podcast had run smoothly and we wrapped in just a little over an hour. i stayed in the room for a bit to talk some things over with ryan, who had informed us that we'd be getting a new office and some new merch. overall it was pretty good and i was looking forward to it.

       after we had finished i walked downstairs after telling toby the updates. upon walking downstairs i was soon greeted by a pleasant amount of screaming.

       "OH YOU WANNA FUCKIN' GO VIVIAN? LETS FUCKIN GO." a voice yelled out. the higher pitch soon gave away that it was (y/n).

       "TRY ME BITCH YOU CAN'T DO SHIT." another voice screamed, who was clearly swagger, as no one could reach that high of an octave. and 'vivian' was also a dead giveaway.

       i continued traversing downstairs to find eric and (y/n) in a battle for the ages in mario kart 8. some of the boys cheered for (y/n), and others for swagger.

       it was intense - if any, more intense than a game of mario kart should be - and we all loved it. eric was screaming, big surprise there, and (y/n) was definitely getting into it as well. which was clear after she yelled at him to "shove your cunt sucking blue shell up your ass."

       once rainbow road came around, the full throttle crackhead energy had been put on volume eleven.

       at this point the both of them were on the basic verge of wanting to murder each other. they were both neck and neck until an npc bumped into swagger and shoved him off the track. it was at that moment where he dropped from 2nd to 6th within about thirty feet from the finish line. with that, (y/n) finished in first and swagger ended in 7th.

       distorted cheers and boo's went around the room at the sight but at the end of it all it ended in a burst of laughter. it was a nice moment, one where we felt the true connection we had with each other. and it felt like we were inseparable.

       once we had all calmed down, there was a brisk silence in the air. not an uncomfortable one, though, just...content. content with each other, and with the small, yet incredibly scuffed family we had created.

       soon (y/n) broke the ongoing silence. she giggled quietly before speaking. "so, movie anyone?"

       numerous "yes's" went around the atmosphere as we soon piled into the couch to watch a few movies until we all got tired and fell asleep.

       after about fifteen minutes of bickering of which netflix movie to watch, we finally decided on Hatchi, to which (y/n) soon brought numerous tissue boxes.

       mason, toby, and swagger, who had never seen the movie looked up at her with a questioning expression.

       "what are these for?" the youngest male inquired.

       (y/n) simply smirked, "you'll see."

       we all settled down to watch the movie, each grabbing a blanket for ourselves, and (y/n) and i sharing a slightly larger one. as the movie played on i felt (y/n) snuggle deeper into my body and i couldn't help but smile.

       about two hours later the movie had finished and suddenly we heard toby and eric let out loud sobs.

       "WHY. HATCHI NO. YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER DAMN IT." eric cried out, toby nodding sadly in agreement. the box of tissues (y/n) had given them almost completely gone.


       i felt (y/n) rise from her previous position, who was trying to hide her tears as well. "i fuckin told you you'd need the tissues." she mused out.

       mason was dead asleep in the middle of all of this. surprising most of us, seeing as he hardly slept at all. i heard (y/n) let out a dark chuckle.

       "i wonder how many slices of bread we can stack onto his head before he wakes up." she says suddenly.

       the boys' heads immediately turned to her, ryan smiling childly.

       "yes." he simply said. and so, the shenanigans continued.

       ryan grabbed a camera whereas matt, jay, and toby grabbed the bread from the kitchen. it was handed over to ryan and (y/n), who began to take out the slices and balanced them effortlessly onto mason's head.

       this continued for a good solid five minutes until we eventually ran out of bread. at this point our instagram stories, snapchats, and camera rolls were full of idiotic videos of childish giggles of doing stupid shit to mason.

       a few minutes passed and mason stirred awake, looking around the room and having numerous slices of bread fall into him. he simply stared at it, too tired to fully analyze what was happening.

       "what the fuck, cunt?" he says, us laughing as he picks up a slice of bread and throws it at us.

       much more bullshit continues until the late evening where we all eventually doze off to sleep or at least go to do some work upstairs.


lmao what the fuck was this


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