🌹f o u r🌹

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     A few hours had passed since I had been formally introduced to the boys. Due to the house being large Swagger was able to get one of the spare guest rooms all set up for me to spend the night. It was late at night, and surprisingly not many of the others were asleep. I took advantage of that and was able to sneak outside out to the pool and sat by the ledge overlooking the garden and pool. 

     The air was a bit cool from it being fall now. I had forgotten that the seasons had switched compared to the spring in America. Luckily I was almost always wearing some sort of hoodie, so it was pretty warm for myself. 

     I sat out for a good while before Eric took notice and found me, he walked over and sat next to me, taking a hit out of a vape pen.

     "So, how've you been?" he asked, breaking the silence.

     The lights that were located in the pool cast a reflection between the water and the walls of the pool. There was a light silence before I responded. "I've been good. You?"

     "I've been doing okay. I miss you though. It's been a hell of a long time since I've hung out with you. I miss our times during college, y'know?" he replied. I smiled softly.

     "It has, hasn't it? I sure as hell miss those three a.m. McDonald's runs. God those fucking employees hated us." I chuckled, earning one from him as well. The silence returned as none of us knew how to push the conversation.

     "What are you doing here?" he asked suddenly. His change of tone caught me off guard.

     I bit my lip before responding. "Just relaxing, got tired of all the assholes in the US and decided to come to Australia. Basically Florida, but like if Texas fucked it and had a child and England was the godfather."

     "Odd way of putting it, but you're not wrong." Swagger chuckled. I smiled a bit, "But in all seriousness, what are  you doing here. After two years, you finally decide to come down here? You've never done something like this before."

     I frowned, he was right. I wasn't just here to get away from people. I was here to get away from life. "I don't know, actually." I sighed, "I'm tired, Eric. Tired of this fucking life, and tired of people trying to tell me about my shit fucking life choices. As if I don't fucking know about them already. I'm tired of fucking around. I'm tired of people always giving me shit for every single fucking thing I do. I just...I need a break, y'know?"

     "Seems like you needed that vent." he said solemnly, I nodded. He handed me his vape pen, "wanna take a hit? It's kinda relaxing for me, I guess. Wouldn't hurt to try."

     "Gladly." I replied, accepting his offer and taking a hit from it, the hint of nicotine burning into my body as I exhaled a white cloud into the atmosphere. I handed it back to him.

     "Feel better?" 

     "A little, yeah." I said.

     "Y'know, it wouldn't hurt actually being in a relationship, (Y/N). I understand that you have friends, but knowing you, you want something more. Hell, you need it. Friendship doesn't cover that." He said, and I knew it too.

     "I know." I replied, he appeared to be taken aback by it.

     "You do?"

     "Fuck yes. It's one of the other reasons I'm here. Everything I've done these last couple of years, they're all meaningless. They never gave me anything. I didn't feel anything, even if I wanted to, there was never going to be a spark between me and someone else. I want someone, Swagger. I want someone who's gonna be there for me as both a friend and as a romantic partner. I want someone who understands my humour and also understands that I'm not always okay and that I don't have my days. I wanna feel something. I wanna be loved."

     "Well shit." He said, currently processing my quiet vent once more. "Tell you what, tomorrow me and the boys are gonna go into town and just fuck around for a bit, maybe go play some mini golf, go to an arcade, shit like that. And whether you like it or not, you're coming with us. In addition I'm also gonna get you a boyfriend."

     "Excuse me?" I looked at him in disbelief.

     "You better bet your ass I am. Now go to sleep, bitch. We're going to have some fun." he concluded. I didn't bother trying to argue, and instead I complied and headed back inside to go to bed. It was around four a.m. by the time I went inside and the instant I fell onto the bed, I drifted to sleep.



so, no fitz x reader content yet. but its coming. i just kinda like the idea of swagger being like the friend thats always there for the others if they need it. we stan a protective dad friend. idk, he's not really given the representation he needs tbh. i love that screaming bitch. anyway, hope u enjoy so far.

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