🌹f o u r t e e n🌹

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      i sat up in the bed tiredly, a mild headache pounding at my head. the sun being placed perfectly in my eyes to make my life hell wasn't helping either. it took a moment to formally remember the events of the night before.


     "come on (y/n), please?" toby pleased, he gave his best puppy dog eyes. it was our first night here and he wanted us to have a "girls night". i had intended on staying in, but how could i say no to a face like that?

     "alright, fine." i replied, finally giving in to his consistent begging.

     toby cheered like a seven year old girl, "yay! now go get ready, we've got lots to do tonight."

     with that being said, toby left me to get ready. i pulled on some fishnets and some black shorts and a crop top, topping it off with some high top vans.

     i came out of my room and saw toby waiting outside, he beamed at the outfit.

     "ooh, someone wants to look like a snack" toby teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

     i snickered and playfully hit him, "shut up, let's go and get this party started." i smiled.

     about two hours passed and we had both bought shit we didn't need but still got anyway along with getting just a little bit tipsy.

     i'll admit i didn't drink or get high often, but i figured i might as well. toby said his goodnights as he headed in to bed. i, on the other hand, decided to stay up a bit.

     i found cam sitting on the small porch outside, he was currently high as he was making quiet jokes to himself. i giggled softly at the sight.

     our conversation was a blur, but what happened afterwards certainly wasn't.

     the small makeout session was heated but meaningful. his lips were gentle yet so full of emotion. it transitioned from love and tenderness to lustful, but still keeping his tenderness along with it to make it much more enjoyable.

     and that's exactly what i was doing. i enjoyed every second of our encounter, but then i realized that we were both drunk and high out of our minds that he probably didn't even mean it.

     i didn't want it to end, but it'd be better if we both put this behind us. assuming he even remembered. but there was a small part of me that prayed that he did.


     my train of thought ended when i heard yelling and heavy laughter from outside. i forced myself out of bed and made myself look a little decent before heading out.

     after fixing my hair a bit i followed the noise to the outside by the pool. i stared in absolute horror yet astoundment at what i was witnessing.

      mason was currently naked, (big surprise there), waddling all over the floor like a bloody magikarp out of water.

       cameron was giggling like a little kid at the sight and eric was laughing from the pool. soon mason got up and began to chase cameron around the patio. ryan was currently recording this (bless the pour soul who had to edit...you know). he zoomed into my face like some scene at the office.

      i stared at the camera with a deadface look on my face, "what the fuck is going on here?"

       ryan laughed from behind the camera and ended the shot. i entered the patio and stared at mason, "mason for the love of god, PLEASE put something on."

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