One of my flaws

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Tzuyu's P.O.V.

We came back from the balcony and went downstairs. I sat down on the couch and pulled my legs under me. Anne picked up the key of her car and started talking:

"I'm sorry princess but I will have to go visit my father. Would you like to come with me?" - she asked eyeing my figure slowly.- " I mean it's okay if you say no, I totally understand that you want to stay here and sleep." - she explained. I looked back at her smiling slightly.

"I would love to meet your father." - I told her standing up walking to her. I snaked my arms under her arms and hugged her. - "So if you want me to go I'm ready." - I mumbled in her chest.

"Let's go then." - she said and pecked my forehead. I'm dying internally everytime she does this. She makes me feel thousands of feelings even with just one simple touch. - "We're going to take the Harley." - she stated and handed me a helmet with a leather jacket.

She clearly saw the shock on my face. I really didn't want to ride that thing. She supressed a smile and put on her own jacket.  I stood there not moving an inch so she took the helmet out of my hand and put it on my head carefully enclosing the clip under my chin.

"Don't worry princess, you'll enjoy it, I promise."- she told me as she put my jacket on me.

"I highly doubt that"- I whispered which made her laugh.

"You can hug me for straight 30 minutes and no-one will bat an eye." - she wiggled her eyebrows. 

"That's one thing, but I don't want to die!" - I snapped at her because she wasn't taking me seriously.

"Sorry princess, you'll have to go with this. I won't change my mind." - she smiled and pulled me out to the garage. - "See, it's nothing but a cute, little motorbike."

"How can you talk about a machine like this?" - I asked in disbelief. While watching her hugging and caressing the bike. I frowned and pulled her away from the vehichle. - "Don't touch it that way." - I was annoyed. More like...

"Jealous, princess?"- She asked while picking me up and putting me down on the bike. - "It will be fine." - she said once more before sitting down in front of me. She turned back and looked at me. - "You're still gonna need to hold on to me." - she told me but I sat with crossed arms, absolutely disaprooving of the idea.

"I won't hug you, you're dragging me to die!" - I said looking back at her with anger.

"Fine, princess." - she said and put on her helmet. She turned on the engine but I still didn't hug her. The gate of the garage slowly lifted up and we rolled out slowly. 'It isn't that bad I can get used to this.' I thought but quickly changed my mind after Anne turned out to the street and stepped on the gas. We sped up in a blink of an eye and I almost fell down from the speed, so I didn't have any other chance but to hold on her tightly while screaming my lungs out. I heard her laugh even if the sound of the engine supressed some of the sound. 

"I'm so gonna kill you!" - I shouted to her back while closing my eyes gripping her waist more. I heard her laugh once again but she didn't say a word.

I still wasn't sure if I should be happy or scared because of my feelings for her. I went to America with her not even 4 days after we met. I still didn't know her but trusted her with my life. I knew things about her but I haven't got to know her personality yet. I didn't know how serious she is about me, and I was so damn terrified of the idea of her leaving me. Which wasn't stupid, I mean, she can practically get any girl she wants, why would she choose me? I was a burden, I didn't even speak the language, and didn't have a job. I was an emotionally damaged person who still had time to recover, which I didn't know why she was willing to wait out. She was just so illogical. She was supposed to be someone clever. She was a business woman and this situation doesn't give her any advantages nor money. What if I moved in with a psycho? What if she is worse than Minsun and maybe she will kill me tomorrow.

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