ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟸

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"If I have to die, I will. But I don't wanna die"

    I could cry right now, that was how scared and confused and mostly worried I was. How could we break this to Dutch or to anyone? One time we went all in with one another and I got her pregnant. Lovely. Just the best thing to happen to two people in a gang. I sniff and she just shakes her head for a moment, we both knew it was making sense right about now and we both didn't know where to go.

"What we gonna do 'bout this?"

I stupidly asked her as I finally directed my gaze over to her. She didn't look too happy to hear it. I didn't know what to say though, there isn't a lot to say. It was obvious, she was having a baby and that baby was mine. "I'm sorry about this, Selina. Really. This is---"
She stops me before placing a kiss to my lips out of nowhere. Alright, this was surely the Selina I had fallen for. "Don't apologize for nothing, lover boy. Nothing at all. I mean--- God, having a baby isn't the best thing in the world right now. But, we'll find a way to make it work. So long as we don't... You know what? Never mind."
I just look deeply into those green iris' of her's, admiring every bit of them. It was like getting lost within an evergreen forest and never wanting to leave. "I love you, Selina. I really do." She looks shocked in this moment and the fact that it did take us finding out we were gonna be parents in the coming months for me to finally admit it out loud to her. Well, goddamn myself for being the way I was.
She smiles as a blush comes to play upon her slight caramel toned skin.
"I love you too, Asher Sanders. Love the hell outta you."

We kiss once more before the doctor knocks and re-enters. "Well, I can see this is a true blessin' for you both. Gonna give you some of these pills here, good for the baby. You both don't look like you eat all that much and if you do, not that well. Keep 'em strong for you. Stop by when you're out. Just--- Take good care of yourself Ms. Hinton. Losin' a child is a hell of a big and mournful time."

She nods before I take her pills and place them within my pocket. We headed out, nothing like feeling more at ease that she wasn't dying, but the gang was going to have a fit over all of this. Probably gonna tease us too. Nate was right though, whatever was meant to be, will be. We're walking hand and hand when she suddenly stops in her tracks, just staring at a man headed towards us. Army uniform on, looking all proud. He had a different girl with him and she looks a bit taken aback by it. "Selina?" He questions when he's close enough to us. "Buck." She whispers back and I knew exactly who this man was. The man she sent a letter to and called off the engagement with.

"Wow, hell of a world. Nice to see you again... What are you doing down here in Saint Denis?"
"Traveling--- With my lover here."

She looks at me and his gaze falls upon me as well and it's the most awkward exchange I've seemingly ever had with someone. "This the man you left me for?"
"There was never no man when I left you, Buck. I told you that to throw you off and keep you from tryin' to contact me again."
"Why? You didn't even bother mentioning you didn't want to be together, no reason. Just, you found another man."
"Tired of you and your army bullshit. Wanted a nice life and here we are. I got that here with him."
"What's he got that I don't? That I didn't?"
"All of me. He has everything you didn't have with me... In fact, we're happily together and we're gonna be havin' a baby. Think on that."

I clear my throat before he shakes his head. Just looking her over for a moment before he nods his head now, just accepting it. "Congratulations. Hope the future treats you right, Selina. I truly hope it does."
"You too, Buck. Now please, if you will. Him and I have somewhere to be."

His jaw clenches before he goes around us, though, I hear him mutter 'whore' under his lips and I immediately turn around to look at him. "What the hell did you just say?" I question, Selina doesn't even stop me because I knew she heard it too. "I called your woman there a whore. What you gonna do about it, shotgun? Gonna disrespect an army soldier?"
"As a matter a fact, I am." My fist is quickly sent into his jaw, solid as a rock but I still nailed him enough to send him stumbling back. He puts up his own fists and connects with me square in the nose, blood spilling as he seemingly hits me with little to no effort. Once again, I go for a swing and I nail him right on the side of the head and he stumbles once more. Goes at me again, dodge it and hit him again. He's swaying a bit now, taking his head within my hands. I knee his head right on the cap and he goes falling back out cold. "Don't you ever disrespect the mother of my child again. Swear on my own life I will kill ya." I looked up at the girl who was within him and spit right on him. "Take your man, get the hell outta here. Go!" She runs, doesn't even bother to help him or attempt at it.

I come and rest my hand on Sel's lower back as I'm leading us away from the scene and back to our horses. "Wow, here I never thought you'd come in contact with him. Hoped I never would either."
"Yeah well, you won't be hearin' nothin' outta him ever again. If he even remembers your name after that beatin'."
We laugh once more before taking off on our way back to Shady Bell, this time, we're a hell of a lot more talkative.

"So, if it's a boy, what are we gonna name him?"
"Asher Jr sounds perfect."
"No, we're not gonna do that to him. What about Edward... Something, sort of fancy?"
"We're far from fancy Selina. What 'bout Alexander? Seems strapping for a young man."
"I do like that, but I don't know if it would be right for a first name."
"Okay, okay, how about Finn, or Finnick?"
"Finnick. Yeah, I like that, Finnick Alexander sounds perfect."

I smile before she raises a brow at me. "And what if it's a girl, what then?"
"Then god help us."
"Shut up."
We laugh as we're heading into camp, we'd figure out a girl's name a different time, there was no telling what it was but we knew some of the folks here were going to get a kick out of knowing this. I also got beat a bit so I knew we couldn't avoid any sort of conversation with anyone at the given moment.
Guess we really are blessed and cursed.

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