He's mine, so back off

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Jungkook's POV

"Welcome to-holy fuck!" Jin says to me when I walk in the cafe. God he's so cute. I can't wait until I can call him mine.
Smiling, I say "Surprise! I told you I'd come and see you, didn't I princess?" I say to him leaning on the counter in front of him.
He blushes and looks away making me smile even wider. "Hey cutie, why don't you come over here and take my order." I hear someone say from behind me. I instantly know it's an alpha from his tone.
"R-right. Give me one second." Jin says to the guy. I watch as he goes and takes his order. When he turns to walk away, the guy slaps his ass making him jump and his cheeks flush.
He makes eye contact with me and I can see it written all over his face that he doesn't want me to hurt him.
Jin goes to make the guys order. While he's doing this, I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist causing him to gasp and almost drop the guys coffee. I chuckle and burry my face in the crook of his neck.
I whisper to him, "I don't like that guy." He whispers to me, "I know. I can't believe he had the nerve to touch me like he did. Some alphas I swear." He moves away from me, much to my disliking, and takes the guy his order.
I hear the guy say clearly, "Can I have one more thing before you go?" "U-um sure." Jin says. "Can I have you beautiful?"
Jin's eyes widen and his cheeks flush. I walk over the the table where the two are and wrap my hand around Jin's waist and turn him to me to crash our lips together in a rough kiss.
I break away from the kiss to look at the guy who continues to stare at Jin and I. "Don't you ever touch him again. Don't ever look at him again. Don't even think about him again. Better yet, don't even come to this cafe anymore." I say to the guy. "Jungkook you can't tell him that." Jin whispers to me. "This beautiful human being is mine. Get that in your head. Next time you even think to go near him, I won't hesitate to kick your ass." I say to the guy, not worrying about what Jin said to me.
He's mine and I intend to make that very clear. I walk with Jin to the back of the cafe. There's a counter there so I pick him up and place him on it.
I spread his legs and put myself between them. I put my hands on each side of his thighs on the counter and look up at him.
I'm greeted with a beautiful sight. He looks down at me with a questioning look in his beautiful eyes. God those eyes. Every time I look into them I fall deeper in love.
"Yes Jungkook?"
"Go out with me."
"You heard me." I say, a smile creeping it's way to my face.
"Kim Seokjin, will you go out with me?"
"I...I'll think about it." He says, his face reddening.
"I'll be waiting for your answer princess." I say while leaning in to leave a kiss on his cheek and lifting him off of the counter.

~Time skip to the end of Jin's shift cause I'm lazy XD~

Still in Jungkook's POV

Once Jin's shift is over, I wait for him to lock up and walk him outside. Once we're outside, I pin him to the wall causing him to gasp I and look into those beautiful eyes of his.
I lean in to where my lips brush against his ear. "Do you have an answer for me baby?" I whisper into his ear. "I...I still need to t-think." He says. I gently bite his ear making him whimper. I love it when he does that.
"I'd really like you to answer me soon, okay babe?" I whisper. "O-okay" he whispers. I move from his ear to look at his beautiful face. His cheeks are a deep shade of red. So cute.
"Do you need a ride home?" I ask. "Y-Yes. If you can take me home that would be nice. I don't like to be out at night by myself."
I take him to my car and we both get in. I drive to his apartment and once we get there he's already asleep.
I decide to carry him to the door. I kick the door, not to harshly, and wait for Jimin to answer it.
When Jimin opens the door, I explain what happened and he lets me inside. He tells me where Jin's room is and I gently put him in bed.
Jimin thanks me for taking care of him and we bid each other good night. I get in my car and head home. Al I can think about is what Jin is going to answer and when he's going to give me my answer.
        I need an answer Jin. I'll be waiting.

My Omega ~Kookjin // COMPLETED ✔️(being re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now