I really want my answer Jin

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Jungkook's POV

I wrap my hand around Jin's waist and lean close to him. My lips touch his ear and I whisper, "What's your answer babe?"
     I nibble on his ear causing him to shift in my hold. "J-Jungkook someone might see us." He stutters.
     "Do you think I give a fuck?" I say in his ear, licking it afterwards earning a whimper from the beautiful omega under me.
     "A-aren't we supposed to be g-going somewhere?" He asks softly. "Oh right. Let's go." I almost forgot about that.
     I lead him to my car and help him get in. I get in and start driving. After a few minutes he asks, "Where are we going anyway?"
     "We're going to my house actually. I want you to meet my parents. I also just want to spend time with you."
      Jin blushes and I smile, driving around the corner to my house.
     We pull up to the house and one of my butlers come to take my car and park it for me. I take Jin's hand and lead him to the door.
     When we walk in, a maid greets us. "Good afternoon Mister Jeon." She says smiling. "Good afternoon Noona." I say returning the smile.
     "You must be Jin." She says to Jin, smiling. "H-how do you know my name?" Jin asks. She chuckles and says, "Mister Jeon talks about you quite a bit."
     Jin blushes and looks down. "We'll be in the living room Noona." She nods with a smile and walks to the laundry room.
     I lead Jin into the living room and sit him down on the couch. I take the seat beside him and put my arm behind him on the couch.
I lean towards him and place a soft kiss on his neck. I place another and another until he turns to face me. He cups my checks and does something I never expected him to do.
He kisses me. It's only a peck, but he still kisses me. I smile and he blushes. "You're so beautiful." I say to him causing him to blush even more. I laugh and lean in to hug him. I burry my face in his neck and inhale his scent.
God he smells so good. He smells like strawberries and I love that smell. I can tell he's blushing as he hastily wraps his arms around my back.
I grin and kiss his neck. "I need an answer Jin." I whisper to him. He takes a minute before he answers me. "I'll give you an answer when I meet your parents."
As if hearing him say that, both of my parents come through the door. "Good afternoon Master and Mistress Jeon." A maid says to them. They greet her and they continue to talk about things I could care less about.
"Is Jungkook home?" My mother asks. "Yes madam. He's in the living room with a friend." The maid says. "Taehyung?" My after asks. "No. Another friend." She says and I can tell she's smiling.
My parents enter the living room to see Jin and I still wrapped in each other's arms. Jin pulls away from me and I can see his blush stained cheeks.
I smile and turn to my parents. "Hey mom. Dad." I say to them. "Hello son. Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" My father says.
I smile even wider and say, "This is Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. Jin, these are my parents."
Jin stands and bows. "Good afternoon Mister and Misses Jeon. It's nice to meet you both." Jin says "Good afternoon Seokjin. It's nice to meet you as well. I assume my Jungkook has taken a liking to you." My mother says smirking causing Jin to blush and look away.
I stand and walk towards Jin, wrapping my arm around his waist pulling him close to me. "Yes, yes I have. Is there anything wrong with that?" "No, not at all. I think it's nice you've found someone you like son. As long as you keep each other happy and he keeps you out of trouble, I'm fine with it." My father says, grabbing my mothers hand.
     They smile and begin to walk way. "I want at least one grandchild Jungkook!" My mother says giggling and continuing to walk away with my father.
     I laugh and turn to face Jin who looks like a tomato. He's so cute when he blushes. I like it better when I make him blush though.
     We sit back down on the couch and I go back to my position from before. My face buried in his neck and my arms wrapped around his waist.
     I notice he doesn't have a shirt on under his hoodie. I begin to kiss his neck distracting him from my hands moving under his hoodie. He moans quietly trying not to make too much noise.
     I reach his nipples and he lets out a loud moan. Quickly covering his mouth with his hand. I grab his hand and move it away from his mouth. I whisper to him, "Don't cover your mouth babe. I want to hear your beautiful moans."
     I lift his hoodie up and put my head under it. I began sucking one of his nipples causing him to whine and moan. He begins to speak between pants.
     "K-Kookie...please stop...I...I can't-AH!" He says to me after I run my tongue over his oh so sensitive nipples.
     I stop after a few minutes and remove my head from his shirt. I cup his cheeks and look at him with want in my eyes.
     "I need an answer babe. Please tell me what I want to hear." I say to him.
     He looks away for a few seconds before looking me in the eyes. "I have your answer."
     "Please tell me your answer babe."

                     "My...my answer is...

My Omega ~Kookjin // COMPLETED ✔️(being re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now