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Okay, scratch however old I said Jungkook and Jin are in the description and the previous chapter. Looking at it now, I realized that with how I've written it...Jin would be old af right now. So, Jin is 36 and Jungkook is 33. Got anything to say about it? No? Good! Cause it's my story and I can do what I want with it. Don't like my decisions? You don't have to read it☺️.

~Years later~

Jin's POV

     "Jeon Seojoon! Get down here now! You should have been ready for school. You know you and your sister get driven to school at a certain time!"
I swear, ever since that boy presented as an alpha when he was 12, he's been acting terrible.
He's been acting just like his father. Now, my little Junmei, she's an angel.
It's been many years since Jungkook told me about what happened with his father that night we were in Dubai.
I got pregnant with Junmei that night and 9 months later there she was.
Another child that I have to be fearful for their life.
I'm even more afraid because Seojoon turns 16 next year and Jungkook's father still doesn't have the money.
It worries me deeply that my children's lives are at stake.
Jungkook constantly reassures me every night that everything will all be okay.
What worries me even more is that Jungkook would rather have himself get killed if his father doesn't have the money in time.
I can't lose him. I can't lose my alpha or my children.
As I pack Seojoon and Junmei's lunches for school, I feel two familiar strong arms wrap around my waist.
Smiling I say, "Good morning Kookie." Jungkook groans and kisses my neck softly as he mumbles back a raspy, "Good morning."
As I finish up the kids lunches, I ask, "Can you please wake up your son and can you check on Junmei please?"
     Jungkook groans and kisses me sleepily before going to Junmei's room.
     Junmei presented as a beta which surprised me seeing as neither of my children presented as omegas.
     At least I don't have to worry about either of them going through what I went through because of my omega status.
     I would hate that for my children and I know that Jungkook wouldn't be able to live with himself it it happened to either of them.
     I still remember when he cried that night he saw me get raped.
     I had never seen an alpha cry like that. No other alpha except for Yoongi that time he saved me in college.
     I want my children to be safe. Jungkook's father is the only thing keeping them from being safe right now.

     "Alright honey, don't forget to text or call me when you get to basketball practice and also text me when uncle Yoongi picks you up." I say to Seojoon as I hand him his lunch and give him a quick kiss on his cheek before he heads out the door.
Junmei sneaks a hug from behind me and says, "Bye Appa. I'll call you when I'm on my way home, as usual."
I run my fingers through her silky black hair and give her her lunch and a kiss on her chubby little cheek as she too heads out the door.
The only one that has to leave now is my big baby of an Alpha.
Jungkook leaves and still goes to his fathers company everyday to try and find the man that's threatening his father.
The threats have started to worry him more and more each day.
One day, I had gotten a text from an unknown number while I was bathing and Jungkook was helping the kids with their homework.
The text said,

I can see you beautiful. Why don't you leave that Jeon fucker and come be my omega instead? I could fuck you nice and good like you deserve and I may even spare your children.

When I showed Jungkook the text, he crushed my phone and had a new one brought to the house that night.
There's also been a case where Seojoon received a text from an unknown number saying that his birthday was coming up and that if his grandfather didn't pay up, he was going after him next.
My little alpha clung to me all night that night.
I dare whoever the hell this man is to try and take my children from me over some damn money.
This man even knows a bout Seojoon's boyfriend and Junmei's girlfriend.
One day after school while Junmei had her girlfriend, Hyuna, here, she also got a text.
It was terrifying one night while we were all watching a movie together and Jungkook got a call from the man.
Jungkook nearly broke his phone and sent the kids to bed immediately.
Jungkook's hold on me that night while we slept was extremely tight.
I muttered sweet nothings into his ear as he kept mumbling about not wanting to lose me or the kids and how he'd rather die than have us taken from him.

As I'm cleaning up the kitchen, I hear Jungkook come into the kitchen and take a seat at the table.
"Jungkook, Seojoon and Junmei already left for school, so you can leave whenever you'd like." I say, waking over to Jungkook with a cup of coffee for him and giving him a peck on his lips.
Threading my fingers through my hair I ask, "Aww. Is my alpha still tired?"
Jungkook pulls me to sit on his lap as he wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my neck inhaling my scent.
"Joon's Birthday is next year Jin. I...I don't know what else to do. I'm not losing you or the kids because some asshole wants a ridiculous amount of money." Jungkook says as he tightens his hold on me.
"You won't lose either of us Jungkook and you know that. Your father will take care of everything. If he doesn't, that man is going to have hell to pay if he comes for us."
I take Jungkook's face in my hands and kiss him softly.
"We'll be fine Jungkook. Please promise me you won't worry too much about this."
Jungkook sighs before he kisses me deeply and says, "I'll try not to. Only for you."
I smile softly at Jungkook and kiss him again, him deepening the kiss and picking me up and placing me on the table.
"Not now Kookie. You have to go to work." Jungkook growls and picks me up and carries me to our bedroom.
"Jeon Jungkook! I said not now." My omega whimpers as Jungkook hovers over me on our bed, his eyes red and his teeth bared.
"An alpha shouldn't be held off from his omega and you know that Jin. I'm going to make love to you and your going to let me do it."

Oh God, somebody save my ass.

My Omega ~Kookjin // COMPLETED ✔️(being re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now