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Jin's POV

10 months later and the texts and calls are yet to stop.
     I swear I'm going to kill this man if he ever shows himself and quits acting like a damn coward.
     As it nears Seojoon's 16th Birthday, Jungkook drives himself to exhaustion everyday still trying to track down the man that his father owes money.
     It's gotten to the point where my daughters girlfriend is now receiving texts.
     I'm surprised Hyuna has stayed with Junmei through all of this.

My little beta chose a good omega.

     Junmei and Hyuna are currently in Junmei's room while I make the two of them some snacks.
     Don't worry, they aren't doing anything I wouldn't approve of. They're simply cuddled up watching a movie.
     Seojoon and his boyfriend, Kai, are out at the park on a little date.
     Kai is a sweet little omega. He offered to help me make dinner one night he stayed over.     
     Jungkook and I embarrassed our little boy that night showing Kai pictures of Joonie as a baby.
     After I've made some snacks for Junmei and Hyuna, I walk into Junmei's room to see her on top of Hyuna and their lips just barely touching.
     I hold back my laughter as I look at the two blushing girls.
     "Am I interrupting something here girls?" I ask as I set the tray of snacks on a small table in Junmei's room.
     "N-No! Not at all Appa! W-we weren't doing anything I swear!" Junmei stutters out as she hops off of her bed and hurriedly makes her way over to me.
     It's then that I hear the front door open and close.
     I turn around and leave Junmei's room to be met with my alpha who is...shirtless for some reason. Not that I mind at all.
     I smile as Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist and captured my lips in a kiss.
     "Well, welcome home Jungkook. May I ask why my alpha is shirtless?"
     Jungkook sighs and runs his hand through his hair.
     "My secretary spilled coffee all over me at work, so I had to change into just a T-shirt. She then got coffee all over that and I had no choice but to remain shirtless until I got home. Do you know how awkward it is to drive home in nothing but your dress pants and your dress shoes baby?"
Seems as though he needs a new secretary. This isn't the first time a secretary of his has done this.
I do wish she would learn her place and stop trying to see my man shirtless.
"Maybe you should try hiring an alpha or a beta as your secretary or assistant next time. Or you should let your little secretary meet me so that she can see that you wouldn't leave me for her worthless ass."
Jungkook chuckles at me and places a kiss on my neck before he makes his way upstairs to our bedroom.
Before I can move from my spot, Junmei and Hyuna rush towards me with a look of fear evident on their faces.
"Girls, what's wrong? Was there another text Junmei honey?" I ask the two girls as I bring them closer to me.
My little beta hands me her phone with an unknown number that's called her.
Before I can lift the phone to my ear, Jungkoo comes downstairs. He hurriedly makes his way over to the girls and I and tells me to answer the phone.

"Ah, so she's gotten her Appa to answer the phone for her, hm? Well Jin, I just thought you'd like to know that I have your little boy and his little omega boyfriend. I've decided that I'm no longer waiting for the boy to turn 16. I want the money either from Jungkook or his father by tomorrow morning or it's the boys life. Take care doll."

The man hangs up before I can utter another word.
"A-Appa? W-what's going on?" Junmei asks me, her voice cracking a bit.
"W-why are you crying Mr. Jeon?" I hadn't even realized I was crying until Hyuna pointed it out.
Jungkook gently pushes the girls away from me and cups my face in his hands.
I latch myself onto him as I cry and hold him close to me.
"He...he has Seojoon Jungkook. He has my baby Jungkook! That man has my baby!" Jungkook freezes as he listens to me.
"We'll get him back Jin." He kisses me softly as tears begin to fall from his eyes.
"He said that he wants the money by tomorrow morning or...or...he's going to kill him Jungkook! He's going to kill my baby!"
I break out into sobs as my body goes limp in Jungkook's hold.
That damn man has my son. My first and only son.
Jungkook tries to calm me as I sob uncontrollably as he lays me on a couch in the living room.
Junmei and Hyuna rush over to me and hug me tightly, both of therm beginning to cry with me.
As I continue to sob, everything goes black. The last thing I see is Jungkook on the floor with his hands gripping his hair as he too begins to cry over our son.

"Just give me back my son dammit!" Jungkook yells through his tears.

My Omega ~Kookjin // COMPLETED ✔️(being re-writen)Where stories live. Discover now