no. 1

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"i can still taste you like it was yesterday"


1 year ago

11: 57pm

my fingers run through his fluffy brown hair as he leaves kisses up my neck to my jaw. each and every kiss his warm lips leave on my skin is tender in its own way, and it becomes obvious that he knows what he's doing. as if one hand on my lower back and the other on the wall beside my head didn't give that away already.

he's so confident and that makes him so attractive to me. ever since i could remember i have been attracted to confidence, and this stranger has more of it than i could ever dream of having. the second his hazel eyes met mine from across the room i knew i had to talk to him, but so far we haven't been doing much talking. our first conversation actually went like this:

"hey, this party is pretty lame right?" i walked up to the mysterious brown haired boy leaning against a wall on his phone. he seemed unbothered by all of the people screaming obnoxiously and bumping into him.

he glanced up as he put his phone in his pocket, smirking slightly when his eyes settled on me. "oh, so it wasn't just me?"

my arms folded across my chest as the same smirk fell on my face. "no, this party is not fun at all."

"wanna go upstairs and have some fun?" he raised his eyebrows, looking me up and down. immediately my confidence boosted, but i wanted to play hard to get. that's how i get everyone into bed.

"i don't even know your name yet." i shrugged my shoulders.

he chuckled and licked the inside of his cheek. "i'm ethan. and you are?"

"i guess you'll have to find that out yourself."

i know it wasn't the best decision on my part, but that's kind of what people do at frat parties. they either get wasted, get high, or they make out with random strangers. i'm not typically the party type, but my roommate is dating the guy who decided to throw this party. she told me it would be good for me to go out and meet new people, so i actually tagged along for once.

then the second we arrived to the frat house she found her boyfriend and left to go have sex with him.

i ended up finding a couch that wasn't occupied by people making out and sat down on my phone. that is until a wasted party goer grabbed my phone out of my hand and smashed it onto the ground, completely shattering the screen. it pissed me off so badly my hands turned red, but there wasn't much i could do because my roommate is my ride home.

i sat on the couch looking around the environment of the cliche party scene. two frat boys in the corner tossing a lamp back and forth with red cups in their other hands, beer pong in the opposite corner, random dance circle in the middle of the living room, and couples making out all over the place. in the past hour i had seen more people making out than i had seen in my entire twenty years on this planet.

irritated, i was about to ask a random stranger to borrow their phone in order to call an uber, but i looked in the right direction at the right time. my pale blue eyes locked with his hazel eyes, and now we're both in this random room making out against the door in the dark.

his stubble rubs against my neck as he continues to kiss up my jawline. the feeling leaves me completely breathless once his lips reach my earlobe, and he takes it between his teeth. he starts to nibble softly until i stop him by planting my hands onto his chest, pushing him backwards a little bit.

they rest on the nape of his neck when i pull him back in to my lips, but he stops me from kissing him. i can see the smile on his lips through the dark of the room since he's close to me and i can tell something is running through his mind. the way his teeth bite onto his bottom lip and how his hand runs through his hair shows me that he's thinking hard about it.

"dude, are you okay?" i ask him fully concerned. the last thing i need tonight is my make out buddy to randomly run out on me, especially when he's this attractive. it would really deflate my self esteem and i definitely don't need that.

i know that i'm attractive based on the amount of guys that cat call me per day, and how many times i get hit on at the place i work at. i get so many numbers that i have to throw away but i guess it still flatters me. even when they're creeps about it.

the thing about ethan is that he's super hot. he's supermodel material with his perfect jawline, his straight white teeth, and his fluffy brown hair. if he were to leave me alone in this dark room i know all of my confidence would just be destroyed within seconds.

his hands cover his mouth to muffle the loud gasp he just created, and his eyes become wide. he leans in before anything else to kiss my lips that are in a pout since he's confusing me. the taste his lips leave on mine are minty from the gum he's chewing, and i smile at him when he says the next words.

"let's go on an adventure."

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