no. 7

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"remember that weekend when we got out of town, drive into infinity, i held you 'til you fell asleep"


1 year ago


nobody was even close to leaving by the time ethan decided it was time for us to find something new to do. he really meant it when he said he wanted to go on an adventure; i've never had a night like this and i never want it to end. ethan makes doing random shit with random people fun.

the closest i've had to tonight is driving a couple of my old friends through my home town until it got dark and my mom called me. she spammed me with text messages right before she called me and told me it was time to come home. to be fair it was a lot of fun when i was seventeen and had just gotten off of work.

ethan looks down at me and gives me a boyish grin as we're walking across the parking lot to his white jeep. we're both holding our shirts along with our shoes and i just know that ethan is already planning to go somewhere new. i'm not quite sure where we're going to go when we just went through an early morning splashing session, but i trust him completely.

"i know where we're going next." he tells me in a sing song voice before he starts to skip around the parking lot. how he has this much energy, i don't think i'll ever begin to know that, but he causes me to laugh. i power through how tired i really am and follow behind him closely, copying his actions.

i run up to him and laugh even louder than before. he looks down at me again and unlocks his car so we can get in. as soon as we get in his car, he throws his clothes in the back seat before he starts his car. immediate air blows through the car, but ethan shuts it off so he can roll down all four windows and he opens his sun roof.

he shifts the car into gear and takes off. he makes sure to be careful of the other cars in the parking lot, but once he turns onto a street he loses all control. he starts to speed since there's nobody else on the roads this late at night, and he seems to be having fun. he's laughing like a maniac when he takes a sharp turn and i gasp dramatically.

"ethan!" i take ahold of the 'oh shit' handle as ethan laughs loudly at me.

instead of slowing down like a normal person would, he speeds up even more. by the time we're going around sixty five miles an hour, ethan looks over at me and smiles widely. "my twin brother and i have always loved driving roads like this."

this certain road we're driving on has so many curves and it's obvious that he's having a lot of fun driving on it.

"you have a twin brother?" i ask, bewildered.

ethan nods while keeping his eyes on the road in front of us. his knuckles turn white when he tightens his hold on the steering wheel.

"his name is grayson." he tells me and the name automatically clicks in my head. he's my roommates boyfriend. the guy who walked up to us, completely ignored me, grabbed faith's (my roommate) hand before completely ditching me.

he's the reason why i was left alone for who knows how long. he's the reason why i need to buy a new phone in the morning. he is the reason for my frustration, but he is also the reason why i met ethan.

i pfft loudly before looking out the window. the scene takes me off guard when i see how far up we are; the entire skyline is visible from where we are. and it's absolutely breathtaking. the city lights are beautiful and i have to stop myself from gaping at it and addressing ethan.

"no offense, but your brothers a dick."

everything i thought ethan would be is who grayson is.

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