"running in the sand, long hair blowing in the wind, never thought that it would end"
1 year ago
"ethan," i jump away from the cold water of the pacific ocean. it's the ocean, so i knew it would be cold, but just one foot in the water got me shivering. "it's fucking freezing."
i look around to try finding my newly acquainted friend, but only find a trail of clothes leading to the water. a pair of jeans with holes, a black long sleeved shirt, and converse are scattered on the little beach he drove us to. i look down at what i'm wearing and am happy to see my blue skinny jeans and my long sleeved purple shirt. my toes are painted black because my roommate was going to force me to wear heels, but i ended up changing out of the outfit she forced me into. it wasn't actually a bad outfit; i just wasn't in the mood to be felt up by random creeps.
ethan told me to take off my shoes before i could even step foot on the sand because he said it's unnatural to wear closed toed shoes on any beach. even if it's in the middle of the night when the both of us are supposed to be at a party.
i hear his laugh from the water and look up from my feet to see him hip deep in it. he's only in his underwear which is shocking for me to see. he was in his clothes seconds before and now he had already ran into the freezing cold water. the moonlight is reflecting off the water so there's a little bit of light, and i can see ethan perfectly.
i see the water droplets all over his upper body, and i can see the way his wet hair sits on his head perfectly. it allows me to see him get a smirk on his face that honestly scares the shit out of me. he's definitely planning something that i know i won't be fond with, so when he begins to walk toward me, i bolt the opposite direction.
the sand slows down my movements because my bare feet sink into it every time i step foot in it. my long blonde hair begins to blow behind me when the wind picks up and adds onto my fast running. in high school i did track and was one of the fastest sprinters on the team. for four years i dedicated myself to running, and i see that it's really paid off. especially since i don't want to be thrown into the freezing ocean by a person i met only two hours ago.
"come back, piper!" i hear him yell and a laugh follows right after.
he's obviously a very athletic person and it's not that surprising when he does end up catching up to me, but it is surprising that he tackles me into the sand instead of picking me up to throw me in the water. the sand welcomes the both of us as we tumble to the ground in laughter.
ethan's arm falls over my waist after we lay face down in the sand for a couple of seconds, and his loud laugh rings through the air. the way his mouth opens widely to laugh and his eyes close shows me what pure bliss looks like.
for the first time in my life i'm in pure bliss. i don't find myself worrying about homework, about what workout i'm going to do tomorrow, and i definitely don't worry about what my roommate is thinking right now. all i'm focused on is the boy in front of me and i join his laughter.
"what the fuck was that?" i laugh along with him and that only increases his laughter.
he shrugs and runs his fingers through his hair, "i just wanted you to go swimming with me."
i shake my head when he just leans onto the palm of his hand to get a good look at the stars that are out tonight. seeing them out leaves me absolutely breathless because so many people nowadays would rather stare at a screen for hours upon end instead of look up at the stars for five minutes. it's truly heartbreaking how most people have turned out because of how they were raised.
personally, i wasn't raised getting whatever i wanted. if i wanted something i had to work my ass off for it, and that's always what i did. i got a job as soon as i turned sixteen and saved up for a car. i paid for the insurance, the gas, and any repairs that had to be done.
the only thing my parents have helped me pay for in the last three years is my college tuition. they still paid for the roof over my head and supplied me food as long as i did chores and was actually home for a good amount of the week.
some people think that the way my parents raised me is very strict, and maybe it is in this day. all of my friends back home got everything handed to them without even asking for it. the only three people i liked would always hangout without me because i would be working in order to have clothes on my back and gas in my car. it's honestly ridiculous how some people expect their parents to get them things like iphones and expensive ass shoes.
"it's so beautiful," i say out loud when i realize that ethan is enjoying the view just as much as i am. he hasn't looked away from the sky since he first saw that there's not one cloud visible. "isn't it?"
"i've seen prettier." he doesn't skip a beat when says that and he looks at me.
there aren't a lot of moments in my life where i wish they could last forever, but this moment makes the top of the list. if i could have one moment of my life become infinite, it would be laying in the san francisco sand along side ethan dolan underneath the stars.