no. 6

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"yeah wanna get back to san francisco, in the fire light, you know you know you know we had it right."


1 year ago


ethan and i ended up finding a random bonfire and since he's actually the friendliest person i have ever met, we basically got beers forced into our hands and told to stay for a little bit. that was about two minutes ago and i'm already talking to a group of three girls who are super nice, and they actually go to the same college that ethan and i attend.

"we have these bonfires every friday night," one of the girls says. she's very tall with brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. her name is ivy i think. "as soon as june comes we start planning like crazy and everyone loves them."

i nod in understanding. everyone seems to be having a great time since there's music blaring, lots of good food, and a lot of dancing or party games going on. it looks so much better than the party i was just at. instead of people going crazy, people are having a blast.

"this looks fucking amazing." the smile on my face is effortless when i compliment the event that's happening. i honestly can't imagine how hard it would be to plan something like this, especially when it's this much fun.

"it is amazing. lots of great people." another girl, brittany, says before taking a sip from her red solo cup. she shines her perfectly straight teeth at me as she runs a hand through her wavy blonde hair.

i open my mouth to respond to her, but i'm interrupted when someone comes up behind me and grabs me by the waist. the strong arms wrap around my torso and they begin to walk toward the ocean.

a scream leaves my mouth when the not so random person picks me up. it's obviously ethan because he's had a weird obsession with throwing me into cold ocean water. i'm not quite sure what it is, but he is bound to get me emerged in that water.

i thrash around as much as my body would let me, but ethan has an iron grip on me. if it wasn't for his laughter in my ear then i would be scared to death at this feeling, but i know ethan wouldn't hurt me. ever. he's too gentle to hurt anyone.

"do you really want to do this, ethan?" i ask him when we're about three feet away from the water. seeing us gradually get closer causes my heart to beat faster.

i really don't want to go in there.

he laughs again lightly. "of course i do. trust me, you'll appreciate it more tomorrow when it's over one hundred degrees."

i don't even get a chance to think about him saying the word 'tomorrow' before he drops me into the water. the cold took me by surprise and i gasp loudly, earning looks and laughs from people around me.

i'm guessing they saw the entire scene because the looks of humor on their faces basically tell me they did.

i frown when i look down at my wet clothes and see that they're sagging a little more than i wanted them to. my purple sweatshirt is sagging so badly that when i look down i can see the top of my bra cups and most of my bra straps.

"oh fuck you, ethan," i laugh loudly. there's no way i can be mad at him when all he wants is an adventure, and i kind of shut him down at the last place we were at. "you suck."

i begin to walk out of the water, but i stop when an idea comes to mind.

ethan picks up on my change of mood and immediately begins to back away from me. "piper, whatever you're doing—"

my hand grabs onto ethan's and i pull him in the water beside me. a loud splash causes everyone to look back at ethan and i, especially when ethan stands up and looks down at me with narrowed eyes.

"paybacks a bitch, isn't it?" i laugh at his droopy clothes that match mine, but he doesn't find it as funny as i do. that is, until he picks me up by the waist and throws me into the deeper part of the water.

my entire body emerges in the water. i feel my hair surround my face and my clothes get even more soaked by the second. it's going to be really hard to dry our clothes off.

i stand up and shake my hair out before looking at him. about to walk up to him and jump on his back, i'm stopped when everyone from the beach drops everything and starts running in the water.

i'm shocked when everyone starts to swim or when people start throwing others in the water like ethan just did to me.

it's absolutely chaotic, but so much fun at the same time. random people i've never met before start to interact with me by splashing me, and i don't remember the last time i had this much fun.

not afraid of any consequences, i start to splash people left and right as well. i get splashed back as a response or a loud laugh, but everything is positive.

i don't have to worry about anything except having fun. every time i get splashed i laugh it off and just splash another person, or i go under water to hide from them.

in the midst of everything happening, i manage to get a glimpse of ethan. he's laughing as he splashes people, and when he's not laughing he's smiling as big as i've seen anyone smile.

butterflies make their way into my stomach when i see how blissful he is right now. i wouldn't want to change anything about what has happened tonight. from getting ditched at the party, to going to a little beach, to finding a bonfire with many amazing people.

the splashing session only lasts around ten minutes before everyone started to get cold, so we all made our way to the fire. we sit around the fire on the sand and when i look back at ethan, he's already looking at me.

"some adventure, huh?" he nudges me with his elbow, smiling widely like a child on christmas day.

i look back at him, noticing how the firelight reflects off his face. it's a beautiful orange color that only reflects off the right side of his face, but i smile nonetheless.

because sitting here at this bonfire with ethan is the best time i've had in forever. when he wraps an arm around my small frame and pulls me into him, i take a note of how well we fit together.

there's no denying that this night feels so right even though it could be so wrong.

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