1- P R E F R E N C E

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A/n: I don't really know this is, I just got the idea to do it, anyways enjoy !

M- stand by me
P- kisses

passionate and teasing  

•he usually stares at you lovingly before gently but firmly grabbing your jaw and pulling your face to his

•he'll smirk at you and gently brush his lips against yours, muttering how beautiful you are

• he'll kiss the corner of your mouth before looking at you and pressing his lips against yours passionately

sweet and lovingly

this boi loves to kiss you

• he'll gently grab your shoulder pulling your lips  to his before kissing you

•he's hands will move from your shoulder to the back of your neck

•always smiles into the kiss

rough and sloppy

• this kid would make out with you in front of your parents if he could

•vry rough

•usually grabs your waist pulling your body against his

•he'll smirk and you before pressing his lips to yours

•looks like you two are trying to eat each other's  face of

•ew get a room

shy and sweet

•this boi is vry vry Shy when it comes to kissing

•it's always a peck

•but it's sweet

•he'll grab your face in his hands and smile at you, cheeks flushed

•before kissing you quickly and sweetly

So I hope you enjoyed whatever that was, would you like more if these ? There really fun

Oh yeh also sorry for not posting in the 100000000 years 🤪

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