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Plot: After a harsh fight of Jonathan claiming that Penelope Was cheating on him, he tries everything to get her to forgive him

Plot: After  a harsh fight of Jonathan claiming that Penelope Was cheating on him, he tries everything to get her to forgive him

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Penelope has spent most  of her weekend in bed, eating ice cream and crying her heart out

The fight that took place Friday night was a harsh one, with Jonathan claiming that she was cheating on him with some boy from her math class

Of course she didn't, she loved Jonathan all to much to do anything like that

And he had realised that. He had called her about a million times and even asked her brother to try and get her to talk to him

But she didn't budge

On Sunday morning Penelope woke up to her door Bell

Rolling out of bed to walked to the door, opening it to see Jonathan standing at the door step . His  face pale, his eyes bloodshot and droopy, a frown on his face

"Fuck of Jonathan" Penelope said while closing the door

"No! Wait! Please just hear me out!"

She sighed and looked at him, pressing her lips together before nodding her head slowly, she did miss him. And wanted to see what he had to say for himself


He smiled in relief before looking strait at her with a serious face

"Okay look, I know I fucked up, but I'm sorry, really . I was so so so selfish for thinking that you would do anything like that to me. Look I know this isn't  much but I love you so much Baby, I won't be able to live with myself knowing that I shit all over this relationship and hurt you, I can't lose you Penelope. I love to much, so please , please forgive me"

Penelope's eyes watered as she looked at Jonathan lovingly, she smiled as she pulled him into a hug. Hearing him sigh in content

She played with the hairs on his neck while whispering into his ear

"I love you to"

This is shit

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