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I hope you liked how this turned out Typical_Cody , it's my first request so sorry if it's bad x

Requested by: Typical_Cody

Plot: after many many tries of Dinger asking y/n out, she finally says yes

Plot: after many many tries of Dinger asking y/n out, she finally says yes

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"Aww c'mon y/n ! Please, just one date !" 

Dinger stood next to your locker as you gathered your books for your next class

you sighed and closed for eyes as you pushed passed Dinger 

"Please y/n just one ! If you don't like it I'll leave you alone, forever, BUT if you enjoy it I get to take you on another "

You bit your lip as you turned around , smiling slightly as you looked at him " okay Holfield, pick me up at 6:00 "

His eyes lit up as he watch you walk away

" awesome, great, fucking fantastic, see you then"

You laughed at his excitement as you shook your head

" see you then Dinger "

I hate this but like 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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