Brain Kelly

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Imagine finding out that brain likes you 

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Imagine finding out that brain likes you 

Earlier that day one of your friends had  told you that brain liked you, you and him were close friends so this was surprising to you, but... you weren't complaining

So after school you walked over to his house knocking on his door

"Oh hi y/n"

"Brian do you like me ?"

Brain seemed taking back, a look of worry spread across his face

"Nice to see you to y/n"

You smiled lightly at his Sarcastic words

"Sorry Brian, it's nice to see you. But seriously, do you like me ?"

He looked down at the floor bitting his lip, avoiding eye contact


" Maybe?"

"Yep, maybe "

" C'mon Brian !"

"Okay fine!"

He ran a hand through his hair before looking strait into your eyes

"Yes y/l/n, I like you, a lot"

"Well you blonde idiot, I like you to"

Again I have no idea what this is and tbh I'm just trying to write as many images as I can before homework kills me, luckily I've done most of it so I might just pull a spider man and turn into dust and then pop out if nowhere a little while later

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